Nikolai Finnel



9 years, 4 months ago


An eccentric alchemist who is a little /too/ into his work. He loves experimenting, learning, and testing anything in relation to alchemy--he's a bit of a fanatic about it. You wouldn't expect it by his looks; he's very cute and charming at first impression, but the moment anything related to his stronger interests comes up he turns into an overly-excited, kinda... creepy mouth-breather. He can easily make people feel uncomfortable without realizing he's even doing it.

Despite the passive discomfort of those who know him, there isn't much to say /against/ Nikolai. He's a very caring and friendly person, and never has ill intentions. It's only that he's... just a little overzealous about his field of study, and has a tendency to go on and on and attempt to test his newest concoction on anyone he can. And, okay, the mouth-breathing thing is kinda weird. Like maybe he gets a bit overly /excited/ if you know what I mean. At least, that's kinda how he comes off like when he gets on his spiel.

Nikolai focuses on healing alchemy--specifically methods to thwart parasites, harmful mutations, and transform toxic materials. He does keep up with any news and breakthroughs regarding elixirs and immortalizing materials and researches and experiments in his spare time. Nikolai is currently developing his homunculus-creating skills, as well.

(a good likeliness to his character, would be to compare him as a cuter, more moe version of hanji from SnK)