Rajah Sa'ilman



8 years, 10 days ago

Basic Info


Abel Sa'ilman


Rajah; King of Thieves; Heartless King, Probably some other things




Chaotic Good












Taraj, Tarajian Province, Ghenna


Ahir Ilm (Leader)




~Bio Still in Progress~


          Born into the Tarajians slums, Abel was not presented with the best of lives, but as he knew no other, loved it full heartedly. Being the middle child of twelve, he had many role models, despite the fact that he lacked a father figure. There is no saying whether or not his father would have stayed had he been made aware of Abel's mother's impregnation, and the two never again meet in the canon arch, Abel knows him only to be a Tarajian vagrant of respectable nature, with astounding, honey-colored eyes, of which only Abel and his brother Isa have inherited. It is assumed through this that they are the only two of all twelve who are fully related.

          By the time Abel was (presumably) six, a fever pandemic swept over Taraj, wiping out most of his family and leaving only himself, Isa, who was two years younger, as well as two older sisters who were similar in age, and took over as they boys' primary caretakers at that point. They lived this way for the next five years, up until the sisters left together to pursue their own lives, a decision that Rajah holds no grudge against. Though it is unconfirmed, it is assumed that they followed in their mother's footsteps and prostituted themselves to make a living. Because of this, Rajah takes derogatory treatments of prostitutes personally, though he has never personally participated in the profession. 

          This left Abel in charge to take care of not only himself, but Isa as well, a difficult task for anyone, which was preformed rather well, especially by a child. Because of this, Abel became a skilled thief, and is now revered as the best. Though they were able to get by this way for years, it was barely more than surviving, the two constantly in search for food, shelter, and other necessities. In these days, Taraj was less communitial, so it was very rare that the two were lent a hand from an outsside source. 

          Abel comitted his first murder at the presumed age of fourteen, not out of cold blood or any ill will, but simply because someone got inbetween him and a nights worth of food. Given his sloppy execution of the task, he was easily caught, arrested, and taken to court. Though his future was being threatened, his main concern was for his brother. It became apparent that Abel should have been imprisoned, or at very least send to a re-education facility, but the Constable and general overseer of law in Taraj, a young man by the name of Jehan Calthezaar, decided to adopt Abel in as his own, certain he could reform the boy into a model citizen. A predictable result, Abel was not so easily tamed, and often ran away to visit or care for Isa (though he was always returned), and acted completely wild at social events such as dinner parties and other high-class events. Frustrated by his unruly child, Jehan soon turned to violence in an attempt to, quite literally, beat the lessons into him. It is for this reason that Rajah's face, as well as other parts of his body, are covered in scars, and why he is always covered up, despite the desert climate in which he lives. During this time, Rajah was also at the mercy of Amelia Calthezaar, who cared for him genuinely, but was later convited as a pedophile (the cause of she and Jehan's divorce), to which Rajah was not, for obvious reasons, surprised. Rajah's default look

          Due to the abuse he was recieving, Rajah disassociated from himself, abandoning his old name and carving himself a new identity. To this day, very few know his birth name, and even fewer are allowed to call him by such without facing severe consequences. Receeding inside himself, Rajah seldom left the house, though spent much time by the windows, speculating at the world around him. Some time into this, Isa ended up locating him and breaking into the Constable's yard, begging Rajah to let him in, so that they may reuniteand live together again. Rajah simply shook his head and walked away from the window, not wanting Isa to come under the same circumstances that he found himself living in. Though the intention was pure, Isa could not help to feel betrayed, or rather, abandoned by his brother, and though it has become apparent that that was not Rajah's intention, he has remained unable to forgive him.

          At age seventeen, Rajah's whereabouts took a dramatic turn, to the point that he was hardly ever at his resident home, spending the majority of his time slinking about the town and hiding in various places for days or weeks at a time. He joined, or rather, lead a small band of thieves who helped to provide for one another, somewhat of a makeshift family. Though the majority of them worked alone, Rajah seldom raided without his partner, a shy and astoundingly quiet boy by the name of Kiral Margraive, who was, debatably, the second best theif in Taraj. An Agithinian journalist present during this peroid coined them as the "Tarajian Terror Twins." Despite the connotation of the title, the journalist showed great enthusiasm for their cause, and remains in loose contact with them today.

          It was not long until the small band of thieves began to grow, and by the time Rajah reached adulthood, was a political force of sorts, which left him as their apparent public official. Rajah holds no resentment or ties to the appointed position, certain he is the best for it (at the current time) and would have no issue resigning if Taraj's interest turned in another's favor. It is because of this position that Rajah is often referred to, endearingly, as Taraj's king, or the full title of "The King of Thieves." Rajah, too, will refer to himself as such, though mostly in jest, as he has no desire for power, and only for the wellbeing of the Tarajian people.


In Aconite:

        By the time Aconite begins, Rajah is already a well known figure in Taraj, and his main obstacle is the human trafficking industry of Taraj, which he and a close friend, Ahijit Zeboua, do their best to dispatch. In one of their runs to free the kidnapped people, the two rescue the aspiring Agithinian journalist, Camille Sartre, who after spending a night recovering from the shock of his assault, immediately recognizes Rajah from the aformentioned Agithinian publication. Determined to return with a story the will no doubt land him a solid position in his career, Camille stays in Taraj, for the first year doing his best to help the anti-trafficking efforts, though little progress is made.

        Despite the turmoil, Tarajian life remains relatively stable, though this changes not long after Rajah recieves a series of superficial gunshot wounds to the side of his torso. Despite being injured, Rajah insists upon performing in the next days play, in which he plays the lead role of a female dancer. Rajah manages well for the first half of the performance, as he is not inexperienced in having to carry out laboring physical tasks while in large amounts of pain, though the scene takes a sudden an odd twist in which the actor that had been playing the lead male role is suddenly unable to go on stage, and is then exchanged for the understudy, a character who has been present far before this moment, but never suspected to have and significance, Sascha Lesauvage

       By use of minor telekinetic strategies and domineering footwork, Sascha is able to force Rajah into a dance-like swordfight, in which Rajah becomes seriously injured when Sascha digs his fingers into the thief's wounded side, which was, more or less, purely coincidential. Despite the fact that Rajah is able to completely run Sascha through with a blade and defeat them, this is the first instance in which the Tarajian people begin to lose faith in Rajah, who has been seen up to this point as something of a god, incapable of being harmed or shaken. Rajah remains bedridden for a number of days afterward, and is then not seen for nearly two weeks.

      More captivated by the villanous figure that had presented himself in front of the town than frightened by him, Camille sets out to learn more about Sascha, and in his endeavours to shed some light on the mysterious man's past, the boy ends up getting himself once again abducted, though finds himself, instead of in the damp trafficking tunnels, in a mansion some ways off the city of Taraj's border. He learns that this is the estate of Amelia Calthezaar, who is in a romantic relationship with Sascha, who is currently living with her there. Camille is soon thereafter ransomed, only to be released if Rajah should take his place. The mansion is filled with child servants which Amelia has purchased from the black market.

      Rajah soon turns up at the mansion, having created a plan in which his friends Kiral and Hamza will raid the estate, freeing as many slaves as they can in that time, and by using this chaos as a distraction, Rajah will escape as well.


 Ahir Ilm:

      Rajah is the leader of Ahir Ilm (Red Gang), whose territory lies in the Eastern Taraj block, which has allegiaces with Shelim Ilm (Yellow Gang), who's leader in the renowned Aveline Pêcheur, Rajah's only fully trusted friend, who later becomes his spouse. The two unite the East and South blocks, and the areas prosper for some time up until a few years after Rajah's death.

      Initially, when they were younger, Rajah and Aveline had plans along with Tamir Mihaal, the leader of Cha'har Ilm (Green Gang), to unite all but the rich Northern block of Taraj. Unfortunately, the deal falls through when Tamir becomes consumed by jealously, as it becomes apparent that Rajah views Kiral as his right hand man, despite the boy's inferior skills. 

       Tamir swears revenge upon Rajah, forming alliances with Sascha, who promises to overthrow Rajah's unofficial reign in Taraj. This decision ultimately leads to Tamir's death, and he and Rajah's badblood remains unresolved.

        Rajah at no point has any want to take Cha'har Ilm land, nor does he want to associate with Tamir in anyway, and is reluctant to visit the East Block in order to seek out Sascha.



       Rajah dies at the age of twenty-seven from infection caused by a gunshot wound in the shoulder. He has two kids.

       Sascha finds his body, and moves on to a new town shortly thereafter.


Personality and Traits:


Likes Dislikes
  • Peaches
  • Collectibles; shiny things
  • Tradition
  • Children
  • Progressive government
  • Fish
  • Abuse of authority
  • To have his ways questioned
  • The vain





"Most likely to rob a bank armed with a only spoon and succeed."

                                   Theme Song
                                    Beta Design