


Key notes:

- The soul of a god cannot be destroyed so long as the source they draw their divinity from is intact. The only way would be to steal a God's divinity, and their ability to draw from the source along with it.

- Mana and Aether are the two types of magic in this world. Mana comes from the hearts of living creatures, and Aether comes from the world itself. The two magic factions cancel one another out, so to gain true power the gods sacrificed their hearts to become pure Aether without the interference of their own Mana weakening them.

- Folklore says the Fae wilds were created from the remains of the discarded hearts of the gods. This land is made from pure Mana, and Aether based magic has no effect within this area. 


Moira had a life before godhood in a world very similar to the one she lives in now. She grew up in a time of turmoil and helped with rebellion efforts from an extremely young age. Over time she realized she had a talent for strategizing and coming up with plans, and wormed her way into the war room. Their group was small, but they made remarkable headway. Unfortunately they knew that with their numbers alone there was no chance of success, so they made a deal with the bordering kingdom 

They sold information to help them conquer their current kingdom under the promise of being given better lives under the new reign. They won and the King kept his promise, taking special note of Moira and her abilities he sponsored her and some of her peers to get formally educated on war tactics. Moira's education was cut short when their kingdom was dragged into another war, and convinced the second prince Lir to let her help.
During this time she managed to become fairly close with the prince, and to his sister in law, Cathe. 

The first time she met Cathe was to inform her of her husband's tragic passing in battle. She was surprised when Cathe seemed unsure how to react, having only known her husband for a few days before he was sent onto the field. She'd been sent from a neighboring country and was not being sent back for fear of it damaging political relations. Both feeing out of place, the two grew to be close friends- even exchanging matching necklaces. 

Their lives all came crashing to a halt when they learned the true reason behind the war. They'd all been fed propaganda that they were the ones in the right and being attacked unjustly, unaware that the war had begun from the King using a small neighboring town for an experiment in black magic. The issue went far deeper than any of them realized and the King's plans to destroy their world to become the God of a new one was only discovered after it was too late. The King granted them mercy, offering those left- those still closest to him and his kin- a chance to come with him to the new world. Cathe had been injured in the siege on the castle and was unconscious, unable to make the choice for herself. Torn, Moira made the choice to abandon their world as it crumbled at the seams instead of perishing with it and brought Cathe with her.


Being a God comes with many advantages. They were able to shape the world as they saw fit- but for a cost. The gods cast their hearts away in exchange for power... They thought they could make this world a paradise, but the only thing they had to work with was the magic left from their previous world. On top of that, by casting away their hearts they also cast away their memories of their lives before godhood. 

All gods draw their divinity from a key source. Having cast away their hearts, they have no capacity for Mana based magic which originates from the heart itself. Their bodies are made entirely from Aether, and they obtain this energy or "Divinity" as they call it from various natural phenomenon. Cathe and Moira are the goddesses of the twin moons... One red and the other blue. Though Moira is the goddess of the blue moon she is also the goddess of War, known for interfering with mortal wars for fun and whispering strategical advantages to whichever side she sees fit. Though her domain is war, it's more heavily associated with victory and the strategical elements of combat. Soldiers are likely to pray to her first and foremost, and her visage can be found outside of coliseums or on war monuments. 

Though seen as being in a perfect state, Moira suffered from an insufferable boredom. She wanted anything to keep herself entertained, viewing mortals more like pieces of a game than as people with value. She wanted to interfere more, but was often held back by Cathe, the goddess of death. All life had to have order, regardless of how boring that may be for them all. It wasn't until after Cathe was killed by a greedy mortal that Moira would get the chance to spice things up. Being "sister gods" with Cathe, the responsibility of aiding the souls of the fallen fell to her. The divinity from the red moon wasn't enough to revive Cathe, but it was enough to create something else to deal with the souls now overflowing the mortal plane. With the red moon's divinity she created the Valkyrie to shepherd the lost souls unto the afterlife until she and the other gods could come up with a more long-standing solution. Having been created by her, they were absolutely loyal to her, but became a symbol feared and loathed by mortals. Many met the same fate as their predecessor Cathe after being captured through magical means. Eventually all the gods agreed to divert some of their divinity to create a gate that would draw the souls in as Cathe before had done. This meant the Valkyrie were no longer needed, but Moira kept them around for the amusement. Though they weren't truly immortal and could be killed, they didn't die from old age. She watched as they grew wise, quickly outshining the average mortal's combat abilities. This gave her an idea... If someone could live forever without the fear of death, how would that change things? Maybe it'd be more entertaining than watching history repeat itself over and over like it was stuck in a loop.

With a small tweak to the gate, some souls would "slip through the cracks" and return to the mortal plane over and over. As time passed and the immortals grew stronger, the mortals knew they could not stand up against them and rather than wage war, tried to win them over to their sides. The people were not the only ones to see their growing power... Having lost one goddess already, the gods demanded the soul gate be properly sealed and the immortals- now known as The Ageless, exterminated. By this time The Ageless had already had hundreds of years to wander, and finding and exterminating them all would be no easy task... Many of them were far too strong to be killed with ease.


Moira enlisted the remaining Valkyrie to aide in the extermination of The Ageless... though notably one of them refused her order. It was one she knew, too... One of the first she'd made. Halia. It seemed she'd chosen the side of The Ageless, defying the very god who'd given her life. Halia had found a way to kill the King of Gods and the Sun, Lugh. She stole his divinity but refused to cast away her heart, keeping her from becoming a true god. This betrayal may have been what led her to lash out against another Valkyrie named Niamh when he hesitated, claiming he couldn't hurt "his dear friend" and disobeyed a direct order. Moira in her anger made an example out of Niamh to be sure he'd never betray her the way Halia had. She bound him under a magical contract to her own soul, meaning he would be unable to hurt her or run away. She found out he had been close with Halia and decided to give him a final sendoff, ordering him to kill Halia and end this nonsense once and for all. She didn't think he'd be able to win, but she simply didn't care. Luckily for Niamh it seemed Halia cared far too much for him to kill him and instead injured the pitiful Valkyrie too much to follow her back into the realm of the gods. Armed with the very magic that killed Cathe, she broke through their defenses, killing the god of the sun, Lugh and coming for Moira's own head later on. Moira knew she'd be coming and that Halia having a sword that could actually kill them meant her chances of winning weren't looking great. She devised a trap, and when Halia came for her she managed to exhaust her enough to set her plan into motion. If she couldn't kill her she'd just banish her soul to another world and curse her to relive her foolish actions over and over! It was a perfect plan... And it would have been had Halia not grabbed her pulled her into the rift at the last second.


How many lives has it been? She remembers nothing in almost all of them, but she often meets a strong willed pink haired woman. As an unexpected consequence of their bind, Niamh's soul was torn from his body and drifts between worlds, sometimes landing in the same ones as them if the fabric between the endless void and that world is thin enough for him to slip through. In many lives Moira and Halia are sworn enemies, killing each other in various ways... In others they find common ground and become lovers, only for Moira to fall victim to her own curse.


Finally being reborn in their original world, Moira was born to a simple but foolish merchant family. When she was still an infant they met their demise at the edge of the Fae wilds when trying to take a shortcut, only to fall victim to one of the Fae's traps. Rather than turn the annoying screeching babe into a bush or a rock, the fairies were surprised when they recognized the woman's soul. Knowing the goddess returned and that it wouldn't be long before the gods found and took her back, they decided to play a little prank and hide her somewhere outside of their reach... In the Fae wilds- a land composed entirely of mana and outside of the God's control. Excitedly the faeries brought the babe to their absolute favorite mortal! An old hermit who'd grown old in their borders and befriended the lot of them. He cared not for the company of other mortals, but the Faeries absolutely insisted this one was different! And that she MUST be named Moira and raised to adulthood. Though the old man was reluctant and resentful at being tasked with something so irritating, he relented and eventually came to care for the young woman as she grew. Despite her secluded upbringing and lack of interaction with anyone besides the hermit and the Faeries, she seemed unusually socially well equipped... And even more concerning to the old man was that she'd often have dreams of wars and rebellions in great detail that he'd never heard of. He asked the Faeries about it often, but they just giggled and dodged the questions every time. Moira grew to love her home in the Fae wilds, wanting to spend the rest of her days living comfortably with her "grandfather" and all her friends. This would change when the Faerie King told Moira that she had a purpose... She was to interact with the mortals who'd been stealing from their lands and try to make a deal/peace with them. Moira loathed the idea, insisting that she'd just run away and come back. She was warned that once she left, she would never be able to return to the life she'd known. She didn't understand what that had truly meant until much later when she did try to return only to find her grandfather and old home had literally ceased to exist. They'd been preserved hundreds of years beyond their expiration, and had finally been able to rest after she left. Dejected, she went back to the outside world.

She meets Halia and becomes friends with her before they start to learn the truth about who they were and their purposes. Moira learns about her heart, and about the horrible things she'd done without it. The Fae wilds came to exist after the gods cast their hearts away and the pure mana source took root. To regain the rest of her memories before godhood she'll need to convince the Faerie King to return it to her, but the other gods are also trying to bring her back to the realm of the gods and return her to the "perfect state" she was in before. They view the changes she's undergone through this life as a blemish to be removed.

Act I to Act II - A woman doing anything to stave off her boredom. She's selfish and egotistical, and cares not for the lives of mortals. She was harder to wrangle than the other gods, having no problem messing with the natural order of things to keep things interesting. She spent much of her time around and speaking with Cathe, though because she lacked a heart she was unable to truly mourn her and instead loathed the boredom left in her absence. 

Prologue and Act III to Act IV - Spontaneous and mischievous, she still likes to stay entertained. She's as stubborn as a bull, and doesn't like being told what to do or kept inside for too long. She enjoys a good laugh and making others laugh too. She has a strong sense of justice, though her idea of it may not align with the law.