


9 years, 4 months ago



NAME: Kailani Allsopp

D.O.B: April 8, 1993


AGE: Late Twenties


OCCUPATION: Jaeger Pilot (Ranger; ID R-AKAI_870.48-B)

RESIDENCE: Sydney, Australia

PARENTS: Tina Allsop, Alan [NAME]

SIBLINGS: Brittany Allsopp

PLAYBY: Katharine Isabelle


Pilot for jaeger Athena Glory....at least, she was, before harboring a human-sized kaiju infiltrator that ended up mutating her. Now she resides at the Sydney Shatterdome.


Physical Descripton //

Ally is of average height and weight, no taller than 5’7” and no heavier than 160lbs. She is quite active, though not necessarily through exercise, which keeps off the pounds from less than healthy food. Her hair is naturally a mottled brown, but it’s currently dyed a vibrant red and shaved on the right side. She has a mole under her jawline on the left side of her neck, a plethora of superficial scars, and two tattoos: one a quote by the poet Richard Siken on her left forearm reading ‘tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us. these, our bodies, possessed by light. tell me we’ll never get used to it.’. On her left inner wrist is a heavily detailed Ouija board planchette.

Current Description //

It's a human, yes, but it's a human on its way to transforming into something...not human. Five-foot-seven and a muscular build, this girl passes easily for any other member of her species and race. But upon closer examination, there's something amiss. Soft, leathery hands like a crocodile's skin, a short tail barely hidden by her clothing, and, when visible, arms that are decidedly different from a normal human's.

On first glance, she's your typical redheaded female. The color's not natural, as can be seen by her brown roots beginning to grow out. It's cut into a side shave, with the right side of her head buzzed close to the scalp, and reaches down a bit past her shoulders. She has hazel colored eyes, more brown than green most days, and twice-pierced ears.

Her posture is straight and alert, as if she's spent some time in some sort of military branch. She carries herself with confidence and a bit of smugness. Her build is average and she probably weighs close to a hundred and seventy pounds, which most don't guess on account of the fact that the majority of that weight is muscle.

Her...unusual features are not evident in a hoodie and jeans, but in her normal wear of a t-shirt or tank top, they becoming glaringly so. Behind her is a short tail, no longer than the back of her knees. It's clearly crocodilian in nature with a stubby triangle shape and spiky scutes running down the sides of it. The scutes continue up to about the small of her back where they change shape into more of a diamond and fade into her lightly tanned skin.

Almost more noticeable than the tail are her arms, specifically her forearms. They've...split in a way that makes it look like they would be unusable. But she can move them easily and without pain. At some point, however, a change occurred which split the radius and the ulna to allow a gap - no more than an inch or so - to form between the two bones. Skin has since healed around it and one could easily stick a finger through the oval-shaped hole that remains. The skin that healed over is much like that on her tail; soft and leathery on the underside of the forearm with scutes and scales on the upper side.

The least noticable part of her change thus far is a subtle glow that seems to replace a human's blushing. When it manifests, it's a bright cyan blue.

As for what's left, she wears a pair of broken in, dark wash denim jeans on her lower half. They're bootcut and, as such, partially cover the black boots she wears on her feet. Up top is either a tank top or a t-shirt, normally black in color though the latter is sometimes emblazoned with the PPDC Jaeger Academy logo. She wears no jewelry except for a pair of dogtags tucked into her shirt.

 Biography //

Born in Ohio, oldest of two children. Younger sister, Brittany. Mother was addicted to drugs while she was growing up, forced to raise herself and sister. Dropped out of college to enlist in Jaeger Academy. Initially assigned as Psyche Analyst, later went through training to become a Ranger.

Command Assessment //

Very self-aware of both merits and flaws to personality and mental state. Focused in combat, but can be forgetful and easily distracted in casual situations. Struggles with personal issues sometimes, often distancing herself from them by using other things as distractions - she’s often found helping new recruits or finding someone to teach her something new if an incident has occurred that she does not want to face immediately.

Easy to get along with and encounters very few issues between other Rangers or superiors. Willing to compromise on issues that do crop up, despite often coming off as hard headed. Generally wants the best for everyone, even if it doesn’t always benefit her.

Does not have a set drift-compatible partner, but can drift well with most other pilots. Is very good at staying in the drift and keeping focused (as previously mentioned).

Notes //

Primary pilot for Jaeger Athena Glory.

In the year since the end of the war, she's transferred to the Sydney Shatterdome and has begun exhibiting a number of physical kaiju traits due to her involvement with a humanoid-sized kaiju she discovered in Hong Kong. 



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.

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