


8 years, 21 days ago


"Pilgrim Soul"
2' 3"
Akriri (Birdfolk) 494 / 1309
Honest • Wild Spirited • Kind

Wren is an extreme oddball among her kind normally always seen with her cloak, her flower umbrella, and a satchel full of herbs and several journals. She prefers to stay to herself, traveling all over in search of new plants and stories to bring back to her Sister, Arya; the amazing Akriri that took a chance on this wild spirited gal and befriended her.

Arya and Wren have a special bond as Sisters and tend to understand each other without a word needing to be uttered. She is also a comfort within Wren's life that only a sister can bring to a wary mind. They are both kindred spirits and love spending time together until the time comes for their parting. At which time, they await their next meeting.

She is also one to express herself with happy squeaks and at times a "battle cry." Wren is a very kind and caring Akriri but she isn't one to let others run over her. Her kind and caring ways are not limited to being pushed over the edge to when she has to defend herself or her family. Unlike most of her kind, Wren has learned to harness the "corruption" within herself and calls upon it in dire times to defend herself and those she cares most for.