Lupe (Jose)



1 month, 5 days ago


Basic information about Jose:

Jose is the male form of Lupe. Jose is very similar to Lupe, excluding her female mannerisms, and he is not as shy as Lupe. It can be said that Jose is like Lupe's older brother due to how much more out-going he is. Just like Lupe, Jose really cares about his friends and has a great interest in technology and science. Jose's appearance is exactly the same as Lupe's appearance, grey tanktop with black shorts and black shoes.


Jose was created when Lupe went into the bedroom to change her tanktop because of how dirty it got. When Lupe came out, Kiki was surprised to see that Lupe had turned into a guy! This caught Lupe by surprise and she even checked herself out in the mirror to see her male body. Since then, she has called her male half Jose. As time has gone on, he has separated from Lupe on multiple occassions and taken on a little bit of personality of his own.

Whenever Jose and Lupe split, usually it's to help with multitasking, or whenever they want to be with their friends, separately. Things usually go well when they split, it gives both of them an opportunity to be apart from each other, that way when they meet up, they can share the news about what has happened to them! Kiki and others are accepting of him and see him almost exactly as Lupe.