Suiren Akiyama



7 years, 11 months ago


Suiren Akiyama, aka the living definition of tired of the world's shit. Suiren specializes in spiritual activities such as summoning familiars and using talismans. Her spiritual aura is stronger than most giving her the ability to have more familiars than normal but also attracts demons that simply get on her nerves. She tends to be quite reserved unless pissed off which happens a lot thanks to her annoying familiars. She enjoys her own space but doesn't mind being around others who are not annoying. Suiren is extremely grouchy nowadays due to lack of sleep, she doesn't have time to focus on beauty etc so she appears to look messy. Her eyebrows are definitely one of her prominent features and are something she is sensitive about. 

  • Let her sleep
  • Has a high spiritual energy which attracts yokai causing a lot of problems
  • Due to her high spiritual energy, she manages to have multiple familiars
  • Can't say no because she's too nice
  • Just wants to sleep
  • Shrine is connected to hot springs popular with yokai