


5 years, 6 days ago


( info about the hell of the world here; )

Lucille is the ruler and creator of hell - he is what people consider the Lucifer or Satan of this universe.

The father of many children including Laphomet, and might be the spouse to someone. ( who, like lucille, is sexless. ) The brother - either biologically or ""symbolically"" to the Ruler of Heaven.

Does not exactly have a gender. Any pronouns - doesn't care. Agender. Making children with a god is more of a ritual or a creation process and they don't do it the typical way. They can if they want... pleasure obviously but usually dont. Lucille doesnt care about this and doesnt have a spouse nor is interested in one anyways. Doesn't really have any interest in romance or sexual things and doesn't like or identify with any sexuality labels. Has created children for themself, however - quite a few.

They, like all gods in this world, do not have an exact form - and if they do only them or other gods know that form, usually. Lucille uses many different forms, and he is extremely tall - taller than what would be considered normal. ( It varies, but. Almost reaches the ceiling of hell. Thankfully he can shapeshift to become shorter. ). His main humanoid form has dark reddish brown hair, a very slender dark red body ( that's more like a bodysuit ) and only one iris / eyelight accompanied by deer-like horns. He also has a mask that can hide his entire face despite being very small. It's likely magic.

Although they might have been a former angel as some afterlife ( and living ) people have suspected based on the worlds existing religious texts, they and "God" ( a.k.a alethius ) are not in a feud. Heaven and hell, angels and demons, Lucille and Alethius are siblings, actually ( it is theorized that they were one original being that naturally, over time split in two. ). Lucille just created hell of their own want and ruled over it, while their sibling was tasked the opposite - Lucille became somewhat reminiscent of the species he made ( demons ) in order to see what it was like, and to gain a more physical form, as they were likely more so a formless ball of energy before... probably.

Demons and angels were the first real god-made beings with sentience ( although that in itself, in tales of the two, was said to be a very experimental road until they got desirable results ), and the creation of humans was inspired by demons and angels - although both of them, really, only made the world and then planted the seeds - most things afterward were natural occurence.

When a human dies they become a demon or an angel, essentially reverting to their ancient, original formes.

They have three sets of wings ( likely more that they just hide with magic ). The cape he wears are actually these two wings. One pair is black and dark red, and the other is white. These wings are very large when opened, and kind of look like the way a butterflys wings are set up when they're open. He could blow away a room with these wings. He never really opens them unless he is intimidated or wants to intimidate.