
9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




Tundra Wolf







I've decided to name him Rei (pronounced "ray"). It's a Japanese name that has a lot of different meanings depending on how the kanji is written. The meanings I've decided to take from it are "ghost", "elegance", and "rule, order". (I'm also considering Inari, pronounced I-NAH-ri which is a deity name, so let me know what you think!) This is actually a first-ish try at a slightly more realistic style, and I think it came out well!
I usually love all my characters super simple, with one or two distinct features that still kind of sets them a part from everyone else. (I really wanted a simple gold thing on him but I'm still not entirely happy about the bangles, so that may disappear or change in the future..)

Rei was born into highly respected pack, known for their strength and grace. They were considered basically royalty where he came from, hence the bracelets/cuffs he wears on his tail. However, not too long ago, his whole family was annihilated when a pack from a neighbouring territory ambushed them in a desperate search for food. Despite their skill and experience, Rei's family could not overcome the surprise attack. Unlike his family members, Rei has always disliked violence, and only took part in it when worse came to worst. Attempting to protect his family, he fought head to head with the opposing pack's alpha male. Unfortunately, due to his young age and ultimately his lack of experience, his left foreleg was greatly injured and left his movements awkward and slow. His father, one of their pack's most formidable fighters, came to his protection. Wanting to at least save his son, he forced Rei to run away. Too weak to do otherwise, Rei finally gave in and ran away to save himself. It was obvious that he was the only one able to survive and he continues to wander the earth's canvas alone as he is consumed by loneliness and guilt.
[Story will probably be edited soon because this is just a rough draft]

Rei's very quiet and reserved - always consumed by his thoughts that drown him. He's a strong fighter, now that he doesn't need to be. He lives on his own, and does nothing but endlessly wander as he hates himself for running away but unable to give up the life that everyone sacrificed to save. Having grown up only to know his family and admittedly being a bit spoilt, Rei struggles with communication. All he wants is to find someone to help lighten the load off his shoulders, but being so awkward, the idea seems impossible and remains as wishful thinking.


Along the way somewhere, Rei met Kauri. At first he was intimidated by her, too awkward to know how to react to the sudden burst of life. Due to her friendly personality however, she stuck around Rei and he eventually opened up to her, soon even falling in love with her. Given his negative nature, he never thought Kauri would feel the same but felt like his world was changing for the better when she casually admitted she returned his feelings. She also introduced Rei to her pack, and with Lozen's permission was allowed to join. But with his mate's adventurous personality, he was also granted leniency to wander from the pack to watch over and protect Kauri. Gradually, by being by her side, Rei has slowly learnt to come out of his shell and be more positive and loving towards life.