


5 years, 4 days ago


Full name: Cupid
Species: Angel
Age: Considered a young adult in angel years
Ethnicity: ?
Gender: Non-binary (they/them)
Height: 6’0
Body type: Thin

Likes: Champagne, roses, chocolate covered strawberries, love, a little drama here and there, maybe some mischief while they’re at it, cheesy romantic one-liners (“Love works in mysterious ways”)
Dislikes: Being treated like a therapist, or a cure-all, or people asking them for love help when they’re looking for manipulation or otherwise love used for malicious intent
Character backstory:

Cupid, Angel of Love, retires every few centuries and is replaced. Every new Cupid ditches whatever their name was previously and takes on the persona, for which they trained for previously in a certain line of succession. Every Cupid is a little different, resulting in various depictions of Cupid throughout the ages. The current Cupid decided to ‘modernize’ quite a bit, choosing to shape shift the regular bow and arrows into dual pistols, wear a racing suit, and drive a hot motorcycle. They are often seen wearing their digitized helmet as well, and utilizing their phone for various needs. Cupid is one of the few angels who likes being summoned by humans, and always answers a summoning call unless they’re  just far too busy. They are keen to finding drama and enjoys human interaction quite a bit for the unpredictability of it all, but still will get angry when others try to use their powers or love in general inappropriately. Despite good intentions, they’re good at stirring up some chaos, or attracting a little bit of chaos wherever they go. They might even enjoy it a little bit.

Cupid’s ‘Love’, now bullets rather than arrows, do not harm anyone. A ‘bullet’ feels like a brush of air when it hits a person, and it usually poofs into pink smoke upon collision with a target (and the smoke then forms a heart, obviously). A shot from Cupid does not make anyone fall in love, despite what the legends might say. Cupid (and all past Cupids) follows a strict set of laws that require never forcing love upon anyone, as it is an ‘issue of free will’.  Instead, Cupid’s ‘Love’ amps up one’s affection/attraction/care/empathy for someone else, or multiple people, or everyone in general, depending on the strength of the bullet. The idea is that, while the affected person will definitely be much much easier to befriend or romance, they will not be so lovestruck that they are brainwashed into doing anything and everything someone else wants. While this has immediate and sometimes outrageous effects, it will fade eventually. It is up to whoever wished for the bullet to try and woo the person affected, and it might not always work out in the end! Cupid may have a little more power than this, but that is all that Cupid’s Laws dictates they are able to give.

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