


4 years, 10 months ago


A hayal "adopted" from infancy by an organization of criminals, who really doesn't know what to do with him and his weirdness. Given that they "hire" based on race and without any consideration for sanity, stability or common sense, they get what they deserve. 

Trained to be an assassin, technically. Focuses mostly on illusions and poisons instead of relying on his nonexistent knife skills. Extremely adept at running away, especially from his teammates. Makes his handler cry at least once a week. 

Able to glimpse into a person’s past or at their mental state and thereby gain an understanding of their situation. It is entirely possible he may be able to do so at will, however he has never thought to learn how. Says he suffers from “visions”, and is very dramatic about it. His fellow organization members have seen enough of his ability to be extremely wary whenever he swoons, and run away as fast as possible to try and cancel his ability just in case it is their most embarrassing secret he sees next. 

Doesn't know what to do with whatever information he gains, has no empathy, sympathy, EQ or social skills whatsoever and an unfortunate tendency to reveal his new knowledge in the most inappropriate way possible. Occasionally tries to be comforting. Always fails, but never learns. Mostly he is just a dick, sometimes on purpose. 

Seems quiet and reserved but is surprisingly perky, never lets anything get him down. Instantly forgets his grudges. Likes the idea of jokes but never quite manages it. Honest to a fault, but doesn't always understand the question. Doesn't have a sense of modesty or personal space. Attractive enough to still manage to get around, somehow.