


4 years, 10 months ago


Short info (long will follow sometime in the future... I hope)

Smart, Level headed, friendly, very intimidating (in case she's angry), stubborn

Species info/ birth:
She is a halfgod - which means either one or both of her parents are gods, in her case that would be Loki and Llyr. Both are usually male... Llyr is able to change his gender though (god powers yaaay xD), which enabled them to have children. She also has a brother, Seynon, whom she hasn't met in years.
While Seynon comes more after Llyr and is pretty good at Illusions and can only do very little time magic, Cynthia is the opposite, she specializes in time magic. (I don't know how exactly her abilities work yet)

Cynthia and Seynon both were pretty much neglected by their parents... They were usually busy working on the creation of the world Aldonah - located in Loki's dimension. The parents felt bad about it and allowed both of them to experience that new world and explore it. Cynthia liked it a lot and hat much fun there but Seynon didn't like it at all, so he went somewhere else. Nobody really knew where and he didn't really show up again after that.
Then a certain incident that is too complicated to explain right now happened and Loki became pretty much possessed by something that made him want to kill Llyr. (It was a number of unfortunate events, creating insane misunderstandings that would end up even destroying the order of the universe at places...) Now, Loki stayed in Aldonah while Llyr built his own world Ilirea in his dimension uncertain about what he should do.
Nobody could set foot from one world to the other, because they banned the other one from entering. Sure they could theoretically do it, but they would immediately be attacked. In conclusion, they started years of preperation for a confrontation that would happen unevitably one day.
Here comes Cynthia in. She is the only one who can freely travel between the worlds, because she openly said to be neutral. She wouldn't favor one of her parents over the other. She wouldn't get involved with the war. She would stay the observer. And that gave her the opportunity to talk to both of them and understand their reasoning and she decided to try and talk her parents out of this war.

Sadly she failed... to prevent it completely, but during the war, after quite a bit of damage was already done She finally got through to them and managed to remind them how insane it is what they were doing. That would be the end of the war.
I'm not sure how she ended it yet but she is the one. She probably almost died in there too... interfering a fight between gods is pretty dangerous after all.

Some (hopefully) interesting facts about her
She met her raven Eon in Ilirea and made a contract with him, so he'd be her familiar. She is able to understand him because of this contract, even though he can't speak her language.
- She absolutely loves dragons (they can be seen in Aldonah sometimes) And the red jewels she likes to have on her that are said to be "real dragon-eyes who can store energy to make people stronger" she bought from a junk seller in Aldonah. Obviously she found out his story was a lie (though it surprised her) and these stones are just ordinary jewels she loves how they look and still wears them.
It's been a very long time since then though, she wouldn't fall for a junk seller again... or would she???