


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






Mutant Canine




- Tail and inner-ears are made of ink. Hair is meant to resemble tentacles. Mucous is ink.
- He wasn't meant to be this way-- he lived in a normal enough area until a nuclear power plant went off nearby.
- The power plant incident left many dead or mutated-- and Ness was one of the unlucky onces who didn't escape. However, his mutation is pretty insevere, all things considered.
- He's still a pretty chill individual, very chipper and energetic-- will laugh off most things.
- While he is basically a teddy bear 9/10 times he does have a dark side and he'll really mess you up if you mess with his friends. He's a little mentally warped too considering all the death he saw that day that went largely unavenged, but it's not usually a problem.
- Not the sharpest tool in the shed--tends to fall short when it comes to intellectual tasks but at least he's a sweetheart.
- You feel bad for not helping him in those intellectual tasks, so usually bystanders help his sorry butt because he is big but he is not smart.
- Loves everyone and is the kind of person who's always happy.
- Gets really sad when people point out his goopy features. He's fairly insecure about them and doesn't really like them, to be quite honest. He's been trying to convince himself they're cool but he doesn't believe it.
- Just trying his best to get by.
- He doesn't live in the radiated zone anymore thank goodness. For now he lives in a modest cabin on the outskirts of a small town-- he works in the local thrift/knick-knack store and he thinks it's a worthwhile career.
- Met his angel friend Raziel when he almost died on the mutation day but was saved by the divine intervention put forth. They still see eachother sometimes-- in reflections or mirrors. Raziel is his guardian angel, he believes.