
4 years, 7 months ago


- tusk (on were form)
- Honed blood powers

Info so far:
- Normal height: 6'0
- Were height: 8'3
- Profession: Performing chef. See inspo here
- Works in rice field, has a fair amount of land.
     - make a note of how big their house is
- Studying martial arts; specifically Kobudo
     - weapons of choice include: Long staff, small scythe, sai, brass knuckles.
          - (most proficient with the scythe, as they use it to harvest their rice.
              Proficiency levels for the other weapons vary)
- maybe have them live near a mountain?
- there could have possibly been a deer around when they got infected and it was the last
thing they saw before they blacked out so maybe that's why they're super fond of deer in
general, and tend to manipulate blood into antlers into were form.
- alternatively (and more morbidly), the last thing they saw was a deer standing regally nearby
before the host cypher jumped towards them and crunched into their neck. maybe a special
connection to deer out of spite for the host cypherus
- Not vegetarian in either form, but when hunting, its important to them that they kill their
prey as quickly and as painlessly as possible. Not brutally like the last thing they saw
before they were turned


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