Jack (Mahogany Obsidian)



4 years, 10 months ago


Mahogany Obsidian, aka Maho, aka a steven universe self insert.

Obsidians are the multitools of the gem world, serving as assistants for all manner of gems.  Most obsidians were produced during wartime since they're quicker & cheaper to make than actual specialized gems and the demand for workers made it infeasible to just wait for a proper gem to be made.  Typically a batch of obsidians would be assigned to assist one higher-ranking gem, who could focus on important work while delegating the menial labor they are in charge of to the obsidians, but it's not unheard of for a crew of masterless obsidians to keep a station running on their own until more competent gems can replace them.

Maho was assigned to CG Bismuth, and followed her after she defected out of confusion & also peer pressure, and remains a crystal gem to this day.


• Chiastolite (+Flint)  [ Just a lava-spitting, helicoptering, chaotic goblin of a gem.  Totally mute, if Maho had to pic a fusion to be forever this is it ]
• Coral (+Amethyst) [ Surfer dude who doesn't actually surf. Lives to hang out on the boardwalk eating the greasiest cheesiest deep-friediest foods imagineable, a creeture of hedonism. Weapon is a harpoon ]
• Star Ruby (+Garnet) [ Jester aesthetic, doesn't talk much.  Revels in silliness.  Weapon is one of these but with fists instead of foam padding
• Undesigned: (+Pearl) (+Bismuth) (+Steven) & Maybe rose & peridot