


4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Avian Veterinarian




Previously a well renowned doctor serving under the highest noble court, the stress and constant pressure of politics lead him to throw away his successful career to become an avian veterinarian. Having given up on humanity, he now holds his doctor title up with pride but only cares for birds and bird people- cruelly taking a blind eye towards any human hurt.
Ren is a doctor devoted to work and typically treats everything seriously. Dedicated and focused, he often neglects his own care in favor of studying birds in order to better treat them. He is less straight-laced than one may assume and enjoys listening to birds singing. His past has him well versed in art, poetry, and other palace activities but all his creations are avian related. 

Appearance Notes:

Semi curly messy black hair, soft but not put much care into. Fairly thick eyebrows. Two birthmarks under his eyes.
Well built only because he trains to beat up humans
If you're drawing him in a new outfit, keep in mind he always wear a black undershirt so that he can take off his robes anytime to fight 


Trained and raised in a line of a family upholding the duty of royal palace doctors and medical specialists, Ren took up his position with great talent- no expectation of him was too much. Well versed in herbs, anatomy, and such skills expected of the doctor treating nobility and the emperor, Ren did his job dutifully admittedly not expecting that when he was released from his years of studying to be a doctor that his patients would be so.. as they were... Yet he went on and while he preformed the professional portion of his job with ease, it became apparent that he had little tolerance for the political games the nobility would play in the palace. Even after grabbing at the chance to study abroad and escape the palace, humans continued to disgust him with their actions. Loving his work yet hating the environment and people he treated, it was a conflict Ren gave into with a sigh. 

One night in the suffocating cage of a Royal Palace he worked, the Emperor was poisoned. Ren treatment ensured the king would be in no critical state- but the Empress approached him with a simple enough order. Report the Emperor would not live to see the next day publicly and the Empress could ensure such a statement would be carried into fruition. After his initial refusal, the Empress resorted to seduction and offers of riches- only disgusting Ren further. That was it, he was done. Abandoning all restrains he held before to keep himself in line, Ren kicked the Empress to the floor with one last "No.", walking over the Emperor's room and slapping the man awake. "Your wife is trying to kill you again, old man. Divorce her already."

He quit his job that night. Taking care to ensure his life was not taken away from such disrespectful actions, blackmail was sent promptly and backup threats in tow. Ren forgot little in the many years he worked at the palace, it turned out all to be quite useful. 

Stepping outside the palace gates with only minimal belongings and his medical materials,  Ren thought aloud "I need to look for a job now I suppose"