Jasper Zaveri



7 years, 7 months ago


Name: Jasper Zaveri

Age: 20

Ink Type: Angel Ink, LT12

Ink Effect: Healing Wounds

Occupation: Nurse in training / Student Interests:

Music- mainly nightcore, Night Clubs

Hobbies: Street Dancing, Listening to audio books

Small Description: Jasper lives an interesting life in which he has two different life style. He's a student in school to be a nurse, but also enjoys the life of street dancing in night clubs. Both of his parents are doctors so he was basically raised into the medical business. But shockingly jasper doesn't fit in the angle ink's stereotype like his parents. yes he is nice and caring but he doesn't think he's better than any other inkmates. His maximum amount of sleep is 5 hours. He hides his angle ink identity when street dancing to be treated differently.

Traits Common- 2 Horns Common- 1 Tail Uncommon- LT12 ink Uncommon- Spear Tail Design Rare - Angel Ink

I will add more later ; w;

Inkmate Species is made by: sonyaism