☆ Allen



7 years, 7 months ago




Name here

Allen Lunte



5'7" (173 cm)




Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement (Meganeko Remix)

INZO - Overthinker

Greensleeves/English Folk Song [Music Box]

Lake Guardians (Battle! Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf)

Song Title 5

Introduction · · ·

A loving, and gentle man, Allen can be quite shy when not in his element. He loves Pokémon with all his heart, however, and is likely to be more opened whenever they are involved.

Ever since he was young, Allen was able to see and commune with the dead, even when they explicitly were attempting to hide from human eyes. He's always been close to death, when he was born he had almost died. The only thing that saved him was the blessing of a mew, who he then became soulbound to from then on. Now he spends his time on his sanctuary, protecting and provinding a home for any Pokémon who may need it. He is an incredibly powerful esper


  • Preforming in Contests
  • Reading
  • Dressing up
  • Soft items

  • Isolation
  • Being ill
  • Losing control
  • Canines

Personality · · ·

Initially very shy and distant, it doesn't take long for him to open up. He's very touch starved, and even more starved of social interactions. He, however, changes completely when he steps onto the stage -- a persona, who, at times, is everything he wants to be. He is very intelligent, and can often fixate on his work. He can always pull himself away if someone is in danger, especially if it's a Pokémon.

High Empathy

While at times it can be detrimental to his own health, Allen shows a high amount of empathy for others around him. Even in situations where he's faced with one of his gratest enemies, he can't help himself but empathize with her.


Ever since he was young he has been consistently very ill. This can leave him bedridden more often than not, and he requires a cane in his day to day life, as he can often become dizzy and lose his balance.


Allen is very smart, able to come up and focus on specific tasks. He taught himself veternary tactics to help the Pokémon who come onto his sanctuary.


Not only is Allen a powerful esper and able to manipulate items telekinetically, but he's a very powerful spirit medium as well.

Stats · · ·









· · ·

Home is not where you were born; home is where all your attempts to escape cease.

Trivia · · ·

He has a photographic memory
His natural eye color is blue; the red eye did not originally belong to Allen!
He's very good with his hands, especially with sewing.
The amethyst in the top of Allen's cane collects and stores excess energy that Allen lets off. He can then use this energy in a pinch to defend himself. He cannot bring the cane closer to himself with his telekinesis however, as it will simply absorb the energy.

Backstory · · ·

Allen was born a twin, his brother is Edward. Edward was born very healthy, if not a bit larger than normal babies -- Allen on the other hand, was very small and sickly, not so much as whimpering when he was born. His mother and father were certain he would die, the doctors did what they could but no one could be certain... That night, however, young Allen's life was saved by a mew. As a result, the natural white hair he was born with gained a pink streak. That night, he woke up the doctors with his screaming wails -- having been given a chance at living by the kind benevolent mew.

His mother had become incredibly doting -- near obsessive over Allen's health from that day forward. She would often isolate him in his room, to keep him 'quarantined' from his family so that he wouldn't die from his sicknesses. This has left lasting damage on Allen's psyche. He lived a very sheltered life, he always felt disconnected from other living things (sans the earlier mentioned Mew, who took up residence near him and would visit him whenever eyes weren't on him).

Growing Up · · ·

Eventually, his brother had left the family to live with his girlfriend -- Which made Allen feel incredibly abandoned and alone. This, mixed with a specific entity who had found her way to his home, is what led his mind to be so vulnerable to being controlled.

Lilith had taken control of Allen's body, and used him to kill his mother -- setting the prophecies into play.

However, much to Lilith's anger, there were other Pokémon who were helping Allen resist her -- which forced the prophecies to be delayed just a bit longer.

Thus Far · · ·

Currently, Allen lives in his secret base -- A large, labyrinth carved into a glacier. He often makes stops at smaller islands and the bigger mainland, visiting the many sanctuaries he has set up for recovering Pokémon.

Links · · ·

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec semper purus, consectetur mattis urna. Nulla arcu odio, dictum quis tristique quis, viverra elementum.

Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. In non urna erat.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec semper purus, consectetur mattis urna. Nulla arcu odio, dictum quis tristique quis, viverra elementum.

Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. In non urna erat.

Character Name

Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies porttitor. Suspendisse maximus maximus metus id lacinia. Nam commodo tempor nulla, mattis lacinia eros tristique vel. Maecenas dolor sapien, tempus in mauris eu, consectetur iaculis odio. Fusce cursus fringilla orci, et luctus nisi. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vestibulum id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. In non urna erat.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec semper purus, consectetur mattis urna. Nulla arcu odio, dictum quis tristique quis, viverra elementum.

Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. In non urna erat.

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