


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info








Riding school pony


Fred is a Horse who can practically be defined as the personification of Grumpy.
He was rescued from a Stable that abused him, before being taken to a Horse Sanctuary.
Due to his background, he has a fear of others showing any form of physical affection to him, often reacting with physical panic and backing off if anyone tries acting affectionately to him. He's the type who got hurt once, and so isolates himself out of fear of being hurt again.

Fred can often cause a lot of trouble at the stables. One of these things being that he has a habit of eating out of lunch boxes that he can get close to. He enjoys eating the sandwiches, but hates orange jelly beans and gets angry whenever he sees an empty box. Fred's tendency to steal from Lunchboxes has made everyone at the stables get extra cautious with their boxes, whenever Fred is close by, much to his irritation.

Fred does have a problem whenever someone tries to ride him, however, with him actively attempting to buck off whoever is riding him, or sits on them with a grin on his face. This seems only limited to Adults though, as it is suspected that he does have a genuine soft spot for Children, begrudgingly allowing them to both touch or ride him without him intentionally trying to buck or harm them. Actually doing really well when they ride him.

What little people realize however is that Fred actually secretly looks out for the children, feeling a sense of innocence from them, and does what he can to discretely protect them. He sees a child being picked on, he'll set up a way for the perpetrator to get a strong dose of karma.

He also wants to be a Wild Horse, as well as the same for other Horses, thinking it shall allow Horses to evolve into stronger beings. Advanced, Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Highly Uplifted Animals.
Fred looks down on animals who gladly work with humans, like Dogs and other Horses, feeling they should have the role as the dominant species, something which he tries preaching to the other horses...the ones who choose to listen to him in total earnest, anyway. This attitude has lead him to butt heads with P C Pearl, at times, who herself believes Horses & Humans are partners and can accomplish more together than apart from one another.

Still, while Fred may secretly look out for the children, don't expect him to act so warmly with anyone else.
Heaven Help you, should you make in angry, too.

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