
   Sushi cat is an amalgomate created from a Red Snapper Sushi roll- due to an odd set of events following in estel. It was meant as a Joke character but it became a personal favorite in MY personal list of weird-cute things. Sushi cat is 5'1'' , 137 pounds and is possibly able to live for roughly 4 years. The creature is verry energetic, verry quick in it's pace and loves to play with those around it. though it's personality is more of a Dog than Cat, it's movements and it's looks resemble more of a cat or feline creature. 

It's constantly oozing sauce-like ooze from it's frontal orphace ( face ) and from its gills. It's able to move in water but submerging it's head can hur it servierly. it's a quadropad, 3 toed with a thick skin and sprout shell- whick is comprised of what appears to be rice. it's tail is suprisingly strong, able to bend tempered steel with a focused swing. It leaves acidic prints whereever it moves, however only affects skin with mild burns.


 origins are from a random request by ANAN user- daily challenge: create a creature from random objects ( red snaper sushi roll on plate )