Montgomery Romero



7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info



Age / Grade

17 / Junior


Trans girl (she/her)






Saxophone / Drum major / Cymbals


Being a leader, friends, competition, puppies, math


Negativity, cooking, confrontation, transphobia, losing


Monty is a junior at Rydell High School. She's head drum major and a fantastic saxophone player. She's a trans girl, but she isn't out yet (she's hardly even come to terms with it herself). She adores playing saxophone and misses it a lot as a drum major, even though she wouldn't trade being a drum major for anything! She adores being drum major because she loves to be a leader, and what better way to be a leader than leading the entire band in performance?! Monty is drum major sophomore and junior year, and will continue to be head drum major her senior year as well. 

Monty is fiercely loyal to her friends. While being drum major results in her being friends with everyone in the band, she only has a small group of close friends. Her best friend is Fox, and they've been friends since 4th grade. She loves everyone in the band, and will do anything for them because she considers them her family. Monty doesn't have the best relationship with her blood family, so Rydell band is her family. She's Mexican.

Monty is very serious about marching band. She is a very competitive person, so she wants the band to be good enough to win! And, as drum major, it's her job to keep the band in line and prevent them from goofing off on the field. She gets very nervous before competitions because she knows the tempo of the entire band rests in her hands, but she has never messed up a competition performance (halftime performances are another story). Once the performance starts, though, her anxiety melts away.

During the spring semester, Monty likes to focus on concert band. It gives her time to play her saxophone that she loves. She also does winter percussion and plays the cymbals for that. She also has a job at Panera Bread when she's not marching. The customers always love her, and she actually genuinely enjoys her job!