(Jax) Jackson Khentera



7 years, 5 months ago


Friendly mob-boss type, Jax is a cat-shifter that rules over a clan of cat-shifters (as the leader, called a 'Kahn'). In their culture, it has always been that the strongest go head-to-head, and the winner gets anything he wants from the loser's clan. Lone cats have to fight for themselves, so the appeal of having a Kahn is to not have to fight for your life/belongings/loved-ones. In exchange for protecting the clan, Jax and his men take a tax from the 10,000+ cats in their metropolitan area, which sustains their ~200 man operation. Jax also oversees much of the crime in the area - he takes a cut, and ensures that rules are followed so that no one gets hurt, ideally.

Very silly guy. Likes to go out an party, or just roam around his city. Holds a minor advisory political office, which he shows up to probably once a week, as a cover for who he is.

Very gay. Good with names. Likes to collection pictures with people who have strange hair or tattoos. Likes to collect other pictures, too - not a good idea to go looking through his phone!!

 ...Can be mean if pissed off; he is a cat, after all. Tends to not like to dwell on anything negative, though, and this can come off as him having a very short attention span. Will also tend to punt difficult problems/questions to his smarter advisers, and will check up later on their progress, rather than handling it himself.

While generally very silly, Jax will crack down on any dissonance swiftly by sparring with the dissenter; is able to maintain rule despite being so nontraditional because he is SO MUCH stronger than those around him. Doesn't like to look overly-muscly, so he uses his shifting ability to stay lean in appearance, but he's actually mega-solid-muscle-strong-and-big (scary looking, really); not quite as carved as a body-builder since his muscles are built for fighting, but still pretty defined since he doesn't have much fat on him.

Walks around with 4-5 men in black suits following him, so he can look a bit scary, but he tries to pick people up regardless. Normally only sleeps with humans at his compound, since he's a high risk for assassination (and b/c his men keep an eye on him and beg him not to be stupid about it!)


Finally came up with a name for his city: St. Nivellas -(prononouced: Niv-ay-ahs); costal Californian-type city, fairly large.