


3 years, 11 months ago


Animal Crossing Persona

Renee is designed off of one of the foxes from the Russian Fox experiment. An experiment in which foxes were selected and bred based on how well their temperament was towards humans. Only the friendliest were picked and with each litter the kits started to change in appearance. Many turning white or grey with dapples and some even getting floppy ears. They say they almost started to look and behave doglike.

Renee was raised and bred to be the perfect companion to mankind. She has an externally friendly and overly empathic temperament which comes in handy when listening to and helping others. She often jokes around and refers to herself as the villages designated emotional support animal. 

She is a worry wart, a do-gooder, and a try hard. When alone it is common to find her displaying the deep thought emote. Make sure to interrupt her when you catch her as she is sure to be overthinking things into oblivion itself. So try sitting and drinking some tea with her sometime! She will be sure to appreciate your time.