


9 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Enrique Reingrad


Aegis, Paragon


70 (appears early 30's)


187 cm



Danger Rating



Anima / Earth

Combat Roles

Controller / Tank / Sweeper


Alcazar - Knight




[Steadfast Guardian] 9*


The current knight general, spouse to the mage general Lizon and father of Thomas. Famed and lauded during his lifetime for being honorable and strong, protector of the weak and defender of the innocent, the man who single-handedly forced the military to accept nonhumans as equal to humans and was considered far and wide as every bit the ideal "hero" straight out of the storybooks. 

Despite his apparent youthfulness he is in fact aging, if far more slowly than usual, and losing his capabilities with age. Currently making plans to hand over his mantle as Knight General to his best friend and mount, Ilvari. However, his son is still trying to restore him to the full strength of his youth, for whatever reason. It seems he is not permitted to retire, even to the end of his years . . .



  • Straightforward, blunt, honest
  • Cultured, considerate, charismatic
  • Confident, valiant, courageous, dauntless
  • Honorable, fair, chivalrous
  • Loyal, dedicated, dutiful
  • Steadfast, stubborn, headstrong 
  • Playful, lively
  • Knight complex
  • Loves traveling and exploring
  • Used to love fighting but then he got older
  • Intelligent, realistic 
  • Overprotective, doting - to Lizon and Thomas



  • Aegis - a weapon/armor summoning ability, able to summon combat equipment and manipulate them as he pleases 
    • Forging - the ability to add to his collection a new piece of equipment. Different equipment can have varying effects, however that is dependent on the initial "forging" of the equipment - eg. forging a fire-type lance requires at least a fire-type component, but the weapon itself can be provided by the ability. Once a piece of equipment has been created it can be endlessly re-summoned, however an original equipment created without any components will have no special effects. Able to gear others if necessary, however due to mana limitations and the mental strain this causes on him, it is usually limited to lending out simple weapons temporarily
    • Aegis Arms - suits of armor forged with "faith" as a central component. They are free-floating and he is able to telepathically control them, automate them to follow simple commands, spy through their eyes, and summon weapons for them to use. Armor can be of any size from an inch tall to dozens of meters, however it gets progressively weaker/more fragile past five meters and so is not usually summoned past 25m. Different aegis armors all have different abilities, and an Aegis Armament can also be summoned on himself or made to possess his clothes/armor as an additional self buff
  • Intone - a passive low-level charm-type ability that makes people more inclined to listen to him, as well as allow him to convey his ideas to people more effectively. Also able to actively use a much stronger form of it by channeling it into chants, songs, paeans or verses, and able to learn and use most song-type magic . . . doesn't really do so, kind of avoids it, but knows at least a few songs. Songs cast as AoE requires him to sing it as a chant (takes effect within the first few notes, slowly builds in power until the first verse is completed but must finish at least three verses for the chant to continue magically looping in the background without him actively maintaining) but only requires him to hum a line or two if used as self buff. Continuous SP drain while active, amount depends on song & number of people affected
    • Paean of Fortitude - a buff that casts regeneration, increases physical, magical and mental defenses, and protects against abnormal status effects (including corruption)
    • Drums of War - a buff that increases attack power and attack speed, and adds % of damage taken to attack power
    • The Marching Song - for walking
      • plus various other buff/debuff songs, and some generic popular songs that get (mis)used with varying effects and effectiveness. Don't ever let him sing Footloose! . . . is part of why he tries to avoid singing in public . . . 
  • Cybernetic Enhancements - greatly increases physical strength, durability and agility
  • Electronic Communication - able to listen in to and directly communicate with electronics, however is not able to control or manipulate them, mostly just used to receive/communicate orders without pausing 



  • All his armor and weaponry are created through Aegis
  • Mount: Ilvari



  • Spear combat
  • Swordplay
  • Hand-to-hand combat



  • A straightforward fighter, uses Aegis to arm himself and self-buff
  • Brings out his giant armors in large-scale battles
  • Also able to support his allies through Intone


  • Little utility use, not the best outside of direct combat . . . which is what mages are for really
  • His stamina is great but his mana pool sucks, which is about right for someone not born with any innate magic
  • His Intone songs uses up mana and he doesn't have a lot of options once his mana is gone, as he still needs at least some mana to summon and control his Aegis. As a result, he usually only uses the Intone songs when he has no other choice, and takes care not to have to use it for extended periods



  • Bonded to Ilvari at age 6, practically raised the pup from infancy to adulthood, best friends forever, goes everywhere together
  • Really likes dogs in general, super dog person, very biased, happily tolerates other animals but most definitely loves canines the most
  • Enjoys photography as a hobby, is also quite a good cook although he only does so rarely. He's also a really good singer, but views it more of work than a hobby 
  • Was born without any innate abilities of his own, and is sometimes used by anti-nonhuman propogandists as living proof of how a normal human could totally be as powerful as any filthy subhuman . . . a ridiculous notion, considering he was born with all the wealth and resources of batman, and has access to more overpowered equipment than iron man
    • Even his vocal abilities were acquired through mana transfer, if from his grandfather on his mother's side
    • His Aegis ability was implanted into him and allows him to create and telekinetically control weaponry, which he interpreted as and developed into an armor summoning ability. This ability can be powered by his self confidence and/or the faith others placed in him. Initially he was only capable of creating ordinary, barely mobile suits of armor, but as faith in him grew he gained the ability to summon stronger and more maneuverable ones, until eventually he managed to gather enough faith to forge and summon massive Aegis armors. The number of believers required to craft a new Aegis armor increases by a factor of ten each time, from 100 onwards. As each new armor is created, the prior ones grow more powerful as well. Additionally, as they are largely powered by the faith of others, he is not required to supply much of his own mana to power them. Theoretically, if he loses people's faith he may lose the ability to summon and control his armors, however this has never been tested
      • Aegis was, at its implantation, initially a nonspecific creation ability, however it was (unknowingly) honed by Enrique into an ability that is able to summon armors and weapons only. It cannot be reverted back to its original form
  • Was one of the main proponents of nonhuman rights and the equal treatment of nonhumans in Alcazar, pushed hard for it together with Lizon, Ilvari, his sister and quite a few of his friends and comrades
    • Underwent a vasectomy when he was in his mid-twenties as a form of protest against Ilvari being forced to undergo the same, and it was that act that earned him the loyalty of many nonhumans within the military as well as forcing capitulation from his previously very pro-human father
  • Didn't actually care about preserving his youth, except his husband kept healing away the signs of his aging and later on his son was very insistent on him maintaining his health and vigor, to the point of slipping potions into his food and drinks. He has long since given up on trying to stop them
  • The Reingrad family partially owns Chival 9 and wholly owns Syber laboratories, and is known for funding pioneering work in enhancement technology. To that end, it also supplies high-end personal enhancement tech through Syber labs. The family also makes its money though state contracts to supply soldiers with defensive tech