Caelin Cedarwood



3 years, 11 months ago



Caelin Cedarwood

Basic Information

Name: Caelin Cedarwood

Age: 29 (28 when he joined)

Birthday: April 30

Gender: Male

Orientation: Trees

Species: Landvaettir

Height: 6'2"

Build: Lean

Hair Color: Green

Eye Color: Gold


Nature's Guardian


Green Thumb - Caelin has a passive and active ability to control the growth of plants (speed, strength, and health).

As a passive skill, plants he is in the presence of will grow bigger, faster, and healthier than others. This is a species trait as a landvaettir, and if he lives in a particular location for a long time, it can be seen that plants in that area are larger and stronger than in other locations. It uses almost no mana and can't be turned off, and it affects areas as big as a village (though it can affect larger areas when he's with other landvaettir). Since this is a passive skill that uses little mana, plants only grow twice as fast as normal, meaning that it can still take a long time to see results depending on the plant.

As an active skill, he can feed mana to plants to make them grow in minutes. The larger the plant, the longer it takes for it to reach its fully grown size. If he starts with a seed, small flowers grow in less than a minute, shrubs and bushes grow in about 2 minutes, and trees take about 5 minutes. He can also start with saplings, which take less time to grow, or even start with fully grown plants to grow them larger than their natural size. He has to be touching the plant for his active skill to work, and it uses up a lot of mana the longer he uses it, so he can't grow whole forests in a day.

Active skill limits: if a plant or part of a plant is small, he can grow it several times its natural size. The bigger the plant or part of a plant, the less he can grow it past its natural size. (Example: He can grow a small leaf several times larger to make it umbrella sized in the rain, but he can only grow a tree fractionally larger.)

Minor Skill(s):

Plant Manipulation - An extension of his Green Thumb skill, he's able to manipulate plants into unnatural shapes to suit various needs. For example, after growing a blade of grass, he can harden and sharpen it into an actual blade for combat. Or he could make vines strong, but flexible to aid in rescue and mobility (vines in this case would be as strong as standard rope; enough to hold a person up if they were to swing on it, but could be cut, burned, or worn down until it breaks). He could even grow and shape a leaf into a usable boat. As with the Green Thumb active skill, he has to touch the plant to shape it, meaning he can't telepathically "poltergeist" a bunch of plants at once. He's able to return plants to their original size and shape when he's done with them.

Limits: A plant has to be within 25ft long/tall for him to manipulate it properly. While he can actively grow a plant up to 35ft, his control over it wavers past 25ft and he can only manage small wiggling at most.

Photosynthesis - Sunlight refreshes him like it would a plant and allows him to heal minor wounds on himself. He has to actively use this skill and it takes about a minute to heal up.

Terraportation - Caelin can use the earth to blink short distances away. He disappears underground and reappears up to 25 meters away (standard swimming pool length). He has a 5 turn cooldown. It only works as long as there is soft earth/soil to pass through. He can't pass through manmade or solid surfaces, so flooring like concrete or tile, or something like solid stone are no-gos.


Weapon: Plants

Weapon Type: Magic

Combat Style: Caelin focuses more on defense and rescue than fighting. He'll grow the branches and leaves of sturdy plants into shields and barriers to protect himself and others, or grow shrubs and trees to provide lofted platforms to put them out of reach. If necessary, he can also create weapons from plants to arm his allies. He prefers to keep his distance, but if he has to fight up close, he favors pole weapons like staves and spears and will create them from sturdy branches.


Guild: AEGIS

Status: Hero

Occupation: AEGIS Protection and Rescue Job Head (Ruby)

Personal Information


  • Nature
  • Farms
  • Gardeners
  • Cool weather


  • Senseless destruction
  • Big cities
  • Fire


  • Reading
  • Writing

Personality: Compassionate, determined, vindictive, blunt


Home Region: Peach

Current Setting: Ruby (but travels for jobs)


Caelin grew up in a small village in a rural part of Peach, a place where everyone knew everyone. His ancestors moved there generations prior and were treated like divine spirits for the prosperity they brought to the land. Since then, the villagers have come to understand that they're just mortal beings, but continue to treat them with respect. So Caelin grew up with a pretty privileged life.

He was old enough to hear about the devastation in Voxis during the Collapse and feared that it would cross the sea and hit their tiny village too. They were, luckily, spared. But even once it ended, he hated that there was nothing he could do to help those affected by it. He was just too young and too far.

Years later, after becoming well educated in geography and history, he sought to travel and help those in need. Around this same time, Caelin heard about the AEGIS Guild and joined, taking on jobs that sent him to rescue and protect people. His abilities, knowledgability, and eagerness to complete jobs allowed him to move up quickly from recruit to member, and a few years later become a job head for Protection and Rescue.

Caelin currently lives at the AEGIS branch in Ruby to aid in the regrowth of the land, but takes trips to other regions in Voxis and Palette for AEGIS.


Caelin cares deeply about the land and the people living on it and will do whatever he can to help. He likes to give people the benefit of the doubt and is quick to trust others, but if that trust is betrayed, it isn't easy to get it back. He's usually a pretty cordial person, but if anyone harms nature in any way without good reason, he will hold a violent grudge against them. Woe be to any who disrespects mother nature. Caelin won't forget and he won't forgive.



  • Though he grew up in a modest village, he does like fancy things. Money he makes from AEGIS help him pay for nice things.
  • As in tune with nature as he is, he doesn't actually like camping out. He likes the comfort of a warm bed in a cozy cottage.
  • Caelin will quietly thank any plants he uses, whether he's picking fruit off a tree or turning a branch into a weapon. Sure, plants don't have feelings, but it's polite.
  • He loves snowy, mountainous regions with a bunch of evergreen trees. Evergreens are his favourite kind of plant (like cedars, his namesake).
  • Caelin tries not to travel too far for too long since he's one of the leaders at the Ruby branch, but he still likes taking jobs when he can. It feels better when he can help people personally, than directing others to take the jobs instead.
  • Design is the boulder vine adopt from Koru-ru

Stats: [Statsheet]