Marigold "Mare" Fable



3 years, 11 months ago


Silent romantic that daydreams his arguments and winds up pretty okay about being alone. You know, the perfect best friend in a coming of age romcom indie movie.

Mare is the docile, soft-spoken loner in the class that your teacher tells you to be more like, even when he gets away with minor mischief. Laid-back, it almost makes sense for his gifted powers to cause you to understand his lazy behaviour. As a watchful person, he tends to play a more passive-support role. Though, riding on coattails extends to his polite façade, perhaps as a bandaid for his inferiority complex; having raised feeling restricted in growth. Mare does have a gentle heart.

  • He has two older step-siblings
  • Notable features: Grey eyes, mole under right eye, lobe piercings on both ears. 1 distinct strand of gold-like hair, feel free to add more though!

Ability: Human Drug - ranges from numbing, fatigue, and sleep. Can produce other chemicals for varying affects.
Drawbacks include self-inflicted drowsiness, and overexertion may cause temporary voice loss.