
4 years, 2 months ago


Name Xia
Age 15
Species Hybrid
Gender Male
Type Fire
House Golden Chamomile
Basic Info

Hight maintenance. Energetic. Optimistic. Out-going. Adventuerous. Aggressive. Mischievous. Snarky. Blunt. Fearless

Xia is a Hybrid in the country of Xian, a student of the Yun Academy, in House Golden Chamomile.

He has the White Tiger Animal Root, which gives him enhanced strength, which allows him to lift double his weight without breaking so much as a sweat. This also allows him to be able to punch and kick with amazing force, to the point of causing small craters and holes in objects.

He is a Fire Type, meaning he has the power to control fire if he has it near him. He also knows some basic first aid, however he is not very skilled even in that. Regardless, he knows how to use his fire ability to both cause second-degree burns or seal wounds by way of cauterization.


  • He is pretty territorial of Runji, thinking of him as family. He will be very aggressive towards anyone who gets close or harms his 'brother'.
  • He brought a lot of the clothes that were given to him by his 'grandmother', mostly consisting of dresses.
  • He likes brushing Runji's hair and tying it up for him.
  • Dressing Up/Being Dressed Up
  • Fancy Clothes
  • Swimming
  • Sleeping
  • Play Fighting
  • Messing With Ryuji
  • Exploring
  • Paint
  • Salty Food
  • Being Looked Down/Picked on
  • Vegetables
  • People Crying
  • People Messing with Ryuji
  • Loud Noise

Hair color White
Eye color Sky Blue
hair style Messy
Height 4'11" (149.8 cm)
hair length Shoulder
build Slim
body shape Lanky
clothing style Cute Lolita
Design Notes
  • He has all kinds of frilly cute lolita styled clothes, both European and Asian styled.
  • He has a very feminine look to his frame.
  • He likes wearing any colors, though his favorite are blues.
  • He wears both shorts and skirts, as well as dresses.
  • His hair on the left side is longer, cause it's always braided.
  • He doesn't wear jewerly.
  • He sometimes wears bows in his hair.


Xia doesn't remember his parents, only living on the streets, with his friend, Runji, who looked out for him. They lived with a group of kids, who were not hybrids, who treated them like family. It was a hard life living on the streets but they managed to get by. One day, while Runji was rummaging through the trash, an old lady found them. They were going to run but stopped upon being offered food. The old lady fed them and eventually 'adopted' them, and were given a place to stay in her home.

Now with a home to stay in and someone to care for them, their lives completely changed. Xia grew up in that home as if he were a treasured doll, given lots of clothing, mostly dresses, to which he would wear on a regular basis for the old lady, who he and Runji called 'Grandma'. Even though they weren't actually they're grandchildren, she still treated them as such, allowing them to have a pleasant upbringing.

However, after many years of living with her, she became less and less active. It wasn't long after that she passed away quietly in her sleep, dying of old age. 'Grandma' had no family, so there was no one who could take charge of her 'pets', resulting in them becoming wards of the government, sent to the 'Academy' to live from then on.


Xia has spent quite some time at the Academy, though he is still getting used to the new life style. It took him quite a while to get comfortable, and even accept talking to others, still upset over his 'Grandma's' death. Once he had finally recovered, he made a few friends, some people his roommates, who often would help him with his studies. Over time, he found he enjoyed the Academy, roaming the grounds and climbing to high places, with his new friend, Miow. He proved to be quite a powerful little hybrid, but he wasn't very good at his studies, expected of someone who grew up with little literary education for so many years.

However, life wasn't about to stay as calm and peaceful at the Academy, as a government facility, it proved that there are people against the education and 'captivity' of hybrid children. A massive fight broke out, that resulted in the end of many student lives. Xia thankfully wasn't apart of that fight, but he was not clueless to the outcome of it and it's costs. He's doing what he can to support the others, with his cheerful nature, though there are nights he wonders if he is any help at all.


Ryuji is another Hybrid he's know since he was little, and thus, he has always thought of him as his older brother. He cares very much about Ryuji and would do just about anything for him.
Victor is the man who took him and Ryuji to the Academy, though the term kidnapped is more accurate to his methods. Xia doesn't trust him too much, though he liked Victor's sister, Venessa, who took him back home to gather what little possessions he had to remind himself of his grandma.
Miow is both his roommate and his friend, who he considers himself close to. He doesn't know much about Miow, on account of the other's amnesia, but he doesn't care, he likes Miow for who he is now. He likes sharing his clothes with him.