Basic Info






28 (23 at death, but posing like a teen at the time)


Previous human, now Some sort of zombie


Bought as an adopt




He was an undercover narc that got caught, murdered and tossed in a ditch


He ended up "waking up" there, starting to decompose slightly. He managed to break the tape that bound his hands together but when attempting to pull it off, it started to pull his skin too, so he just left all the tape on in fear of ripping off the flesh of his arms and face


He was brought back to life as an experiment done by the witch, Clarice. She thought she failed because it took him another day to be resurrected, and she didn't wait

he no longer needs to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe, and wounds he sustains won't heal

after "living" in hiding for a year, Clarice found him walking around one day and saw he was a partial success. She only wished that her spell had worked as intended and completely brought him back to life, instead of just reanimating his corpse

He lives with her and Pidgenow

Micah can't speak because of the tape over his mouth. Though Clarice has offered to magically remove it, he refuses to let her after seeing more than enough magical mistakes. He types what he wants to say on his phone instead.

He's untalkative and grumpy, as well as being pretty sad all the time.