


7 years, 3 months ago


Profile Progress

Heads up! This profile is not finished there might be more things added later so it would be nice if you could check it again at some point.


I may be scared, but I'm strong now and you won't keep me down.

Name || Gregory Matthew Stone
Alias || Greg, Twitch
Age || 25
Birthday || January 5th
Gender || Male
Orientation || Heterosexual/romantic (Bisexual)
Height || 6'5
Weight || 227lbs
Species || Human
Occupation || US Military; Army, Special Forces
Status || Alive
Theme || You can't bring me down
Likes || Baking, Computers, Exercise
Dislikes || His father and older brother, cooking
Fears || His father and older brother, his attraction towards men, Basements



While he was a small scrawny boy as a child, in all honesty he was a late bloomer, he didn't hit his growth spurt until he was well into his teens. He shot up in height by sixteen and by seventeen he was a full six feet and already obtaining much muscle mass, as exercise being one of his main forms of relaxation and stress relief. By the time he graduated from high school he was six feet three inches and almost a full two hundred pounds. Now being in his mid twenties he's a large built man who you'd never of suspected of being a scrawny teenager who ate alone during lunch. He has short spiked up brown hair, brown skin and chocolate brown eyes, all pulled together with a strong set jaw line and thick eye brows. Though he still has soft features and kind eyes.


Gregory is a kind, gentle, loving person who happens to suffer from PTSD, and several forms of Anxiety and Paranoia. Though at the moment it is over all manageable, it seems to get worse as time goes by. Eventually it gets to the point he is discharged from the military and spends the majority of his time inside, living as a recluse and spending his time either exercising or on his computer. He has the personality of a small, nervous man, when in reality he is a large, fit, man with military training, who could probably snap your neck by accident if you sneak up on him. His alert and often "twitchy" nature saved his, as well as the asses of his team, on multiple occasions.


Some of his history has something to do with Abuse or Pedophilia, please do not read if you are easily triggered by such subjects.

Gregory comes from a Military background, Both of his parents were military children and His Father, Older brother, Uncle, and Grandfather all served in the United States Military, he himself is/was even serving. Gregory was a small boy when he was younger. Small, thin and weak; his brother Damien, who is 3 years older than him, would often use that to torture and abuse him. Damien, being the favorite of their father(who was in charge of punishments), would always get away with it. Gregory did how ever have a good relationship with his Mother and his younger brother, Adam, who is 5 years his junior. That was until Adam was 7 years old and mentioned he had a crush on a boy at his school. This triggered something in their Father, Richard, and he began "punishing" Adam for his attraction to the same gender as him, on an almost daily basis. Richard would take Adam down to their basement, the one area in their house their mother never ventured, and proceeded to sexually, physically and mentally abuse him, sometimes with the help of Damien(Who was 15 at the time), who took pleasure in helping his father in these acts. Gregory, who was only 12 and much weaker and smaller than the two, and also feared that if he was to try to interfere he would be given the same punishments, had no choice but to stand by and watch as they did these things. They would make him stand at the door of the basement and listen for Oksana. Gregory harbors a lot of guilt and frustration over never doing anything to help his baby brother. He has sever paranoia, anxiety and PTSD, which was just added to when his Father and brother were caught 3 years later, and rather than face what they did, disappeared off of the face of the earth. Gregory can't look Adam in the eye, and he's very tense and nervous around his Uncle Vincent, he and Richard are identical twins, but Vincent is the total opposite of his deranged and abusive twin. His mother is Russian-Spanish and his father is Salvadoran-Malaysian.


Mother - Oksana Stone, Father - Richard Stone, Uncle - Vincent Stone, Paternal Grandfather - Matthew Stone, Brothers - Damien Richard Stone and Adam Vincent Stone.

Important Moments

  • 12 when the abuse of his younger brother began.
  • 15 when the abuse was discovered and he and his mother and younger brother moved in with his uncle.
  • 18 when he joined the military.


  • His favorite thing to do is baking treats for his team when they're given permission to go off base.
  • The only gay encounter he's had was when he kissed one of his team mates during a drunken night on the town. The jokester of the group, who promised not to bring it up when Gregory told him the reason for his reluctance and paranoia towards acting on feelings like those with other men.
  • Gregory's nickname "Twitch" comes from his often on edge and twitchy appearance from years of paranoia, causing him to be constantly alert and often the first to sense danger.
  • His younger brother and mother are the whitest people in the family, his mother being a black haired blue eyed woman with light skin and his brother being the same in hair and eyes but tanner, still rather easily mistaken for white however.
  • Fluent in Spanish and Italian, Semi-Fluent in French and knows the basics of Russian.
  • He occasionally visited his Great-Great Grandmother in Malaysia until he was 10 when she died at the age of 98.

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