
3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Sheldon Steiner

Other Names:

Shelley, for anyone who knows them personally


masc nonbinary (they/he)


a few years; acts in his early 20s




their own

Creation Date:

July 18th 2020


Shelley was created by a cult, put together via a mixture of necromancy and Science™ and awoken to do the dark bidding of their leader. Thankfully for Shelley, they were made with the brain and sensibilities of an adult, and pretty quickly realized things were screwy around here. Their first words were "are you gaslighting me?"

They made a pretty speedy escape from the cult - in part thanks to how obvious it was they weren't going to be of any use - and wandered into society proper. This kind of thing happens often enough in his world that there are documented legal processes for 'i was made yesterday' and he was able to get himself into the system and subsidized thanks to a few kind souls.

Shelley is now living in a modest student-housing-type apartment with a roommate on a city campus while he attends college for Architecture or something like that. They work as a barista in a local cafe to make a few dollars while they study, which goes about as well as any retail job. They're mostly just tired.

Shelley is quiet and reserved and really prefers to listen and observe - he has a lot going on in his head 24/7 and is existentially tired to his core. They can be a bit spacey and are quite introverted when left to their own devices. They tend to be more sarcastic the more tired they are, but overall, they're very chill and easygoing.

Social Connections

none, really!

World Context

Lore coming eventually?

> Six foot or a little under

> Their staples cause problems in cold weather so they gotta stay toasty, but they will never ever be caught dead wearing mittens on their head hands even though they really should

> none of note yet

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Primary Notes
> eyebrows have a lil bite out of them near the nose-bridge edge
> sad droopy ears :(
> puncture only in one ear
> their claws are like talons; they curve out of the top of the finger, not flat like fingernails (if this matters in your style anyway)
> tail is flexible but not incredibly so; it is spinelike in nature - big curls not tight ones
> staples are generally not exact; but they always have 2 on either side of their chin, and if it looks intentional it probably is. Nip, ribcage area, tummy, that kinda stuff has specific #s of stitches!

> sometimes wears dark/black eyeshadow
> their earrings are oversized staples and they have two in each ear

Other Stuff
> tall, but not physically remarkable
> their head hands are fully functional and they emote with them!!! sometimes they'll hold stuff there!!
> outfits are not set in stone!! they like to wear a lot of black and white and have a understated, gently edgy style. Rips and tears, chokers and cuffs, DIY crop tops, yknow. they're also a college student, if its comfy they'll wear it

Shelley is very chill and quiet. He is often overworked and exhausted due to College Life™, as u do. Prefers relaxing quietly alone to pretty much any other activity.