Jasper (Fire Emblem: Fates..?)



3 years, 7 months ago


Age: 21

Species: Kitsune (Hoshidan)

Height: 5'7 (171cm)

Gender: Trans man (He/Him/His)

Sexuality: Gay (demisexual) 

Birthday: May 13th 

Occupation: Beaststone user. Mage starting class. (Can upgrade to Ninetails, Sage, or Basara)

Personality: Extroverted, clingy, high energy, superstitious, temperamental, defensive, and vain over his looks. Limited to no interest in forming social relationships, especially with men. 

Likes: Shiny objects, being around people, affection, practicing magic, personal space.

Dislikes: Men, milk/dairy products, humidity, spirits, respecting others' personal space

Hobbies: Harassing Asuka, talking to people, physical training, magic training.

Extra details: Intimidated by women. Kind to children regardless of gender.

Backstory: The oldest of a triplet and oldest brother to younger twins, Jasper always felt conflicted with his responsibilities and wants. He left Hoshido for Nohr on a journey of self-discovery and magic self-study. He got caught up with a band of Hoshidan mercenaries that left him indebted and in fear of his clan's safety. With escalating tensions between Hoshido and Nohr, Jasper took an opportunity to abandon his debt by joining the army. He met Asuka after being banished to a separate tent due to his high temperament and intense shedding. The two became inseparable after a rocky start.