


7 years, 4 months ago



Name Nasir-Sin
Designer kiamaras
Gender Male
ObtainedBought creaturesoftherealm for 15$
Significant Other Ruolan
Rules Kiamara TOS
Species Kiamara

RoleBusinessman and shady trades


Nasir-Sin is a silver tongued businessman who comes across as suave and well controlled. He's calm no matter the situation, has the ability to take charge and be a leader, and doesn't really stand for disrespect or rudeness-towards himself or others around him. While he's most certainly not nice, a majority of the time he doesn't really see a reason to treat others poorly or look down on them without a good reason or motive. He is especially sympathetic to those less fortunate than himself. However, he can be absolutely ruthless towards his business competition, and won't stand for being mocked or ridiculed. He has a temper that can come out in cold, calculative, and destructive ways by manipulating his money against people who agitate him.

He doesn't handle failure well, and can get very agitated if things don't go his way. However, even if he has a minor outburst- he can usually corral his emotions pretty quickly.

He feels a need to prove himself, so failing to do so feels like an objection of everything he is, which- largely just offends him. He tends to be very sarcastic- especially towards those he doesn't like or isn't fond of. His ambition and willingness to put others down for his own gain tends to intimidate many people.


  • When anxious or impatient he fiddles with his pocket watch, a gift from his father
  • He has some sights on political success as well as his business success...only time will tell if that happens for him. 
  • Gets a mischievous twinkle in his eyes when amused, even if he doesn't smile. His eyes are more expressive than his face. 
  •  Loves AC/DC
  • Has been (tried to go) skydiving before and wouldn't jump out of the plane. Kicked his instructor out when he tried to push him.

Nasir-sin is a street rat turned businessman from the deserts of Sheopax who left the country for Caisos to seek his fortune. He's sarcastic and a great investor, but he tends to come across as selfish. This is a facade, as most of his money goes to supporting his home town and family and helping other small businesses finding their start in a place that was otherwise industrially abandoned. He does enjoy a life of luxury, but maintains a strange sense of humbleness despite his wealth because he doesn't let his money control him. He doesn't believe in wasting his finances on frivolous things like clothes and cars beyond the bare minimum to preserve his image. He does however, have a temper and will not sit idly by while people get in his way either in terms of corporation or personal life. 

Nasir is professional on the surface, but deviously calculating under it all. He's not evil, persay, but he's not above manipulation and shady tactics to get his way. His way just happens to be helping people with his sometimes-ill-gotten-gains. He lives in a real robin-hood esque fashion, take from the stuckup wealthy he doesn't care for, to give to the starving refugees and struggling family run stores. However, he does this entirely legally. He just exploits loopholes and intimidation to get his way.

He makes his profits through supporting smaller businesses and investing in global tradings, while he doesn't produce things as an industryman himself, he is a skillful negotiator of deals and middlemen. 

His company seems well meaning enough, and he has earned his citizenship while still posing as an ambassador. His main export of goods is in trade products from his homeland supplied by his old associates. 


  • Gold
  • Piano music
  • Aquariums
  • Comfy clothes

  • Being lied to
  • Losing money
  • Paperwork
  • Having his time wasted

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.