


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name ||


Age ||

14 billion

Birth Date ||

She technically doesn't have one, but claims her "birthday" is May 10th.

Zodiac ||

Taurus (based on her claimed "birthday" of May 10th.)

Gender ||

Genderless, chooses to appear as a cis female.

Pronouns ||


Height ||

Varies depending on what form she takes.

Weight ||

Varies depending on what form she takes.

Species ||

Forgotten Goddess

Ethnicity ||

Appears to be Japanese, actually Antarctican.

Blood Type ||

Varies depending on what form she takes.

Myers-Briggs ||


Fandom ||

Original Universe

Sexuality ||


Likes ||

Chocolate pudding, Japanese culture, schoolwork/studying, bicycles, cheesy shōjo manga/anime.

Dislikes ||

Death, violence, her parents, most of the gods she's met, the entire Megami Tensei franchise, politics, capitalism, religious extremism.

Strengths ||

Hyper-empathetic, aggressively protective and devoted to those she cares about.

Weaknesses ||

Incredibly lazy and unmotivated, low patience level, low concentration level, rebellious, aggressively stubborn.

HC Voice ||

Powers ||

Omnilingualism, Shapeshifting,Time stopping, Object duplication, Immortality






"Yoko" was born well before the Big Bang to the two main deities of what was intended to be the aboriginal religion of the continent we now know as Antartica. After Earth fully formed and Antarctica froze over, she and her parents became what is known as "forgotten gods", doomed to roam the planet with no purpose or followers to rule over. Yoko's parents eventually went mad from being forgotten and forced Yoko into the role of an assassin for them. They commanded her to kill anyone who they deemed "unworthy" (I.E. people who worshipped other gods that they had issues with, people who knew too much about the forgotten gods, ETC.)

Yoko finally escaped her parent's iron grip in the mid 1700s, where she fled to Edo-period Japan. While there, she took on many different lives in hopes of blending in with the local population to evade her parents, and took on the human name "Yoko", as her real name is inpronouncable to those who don't know the native language of Antartica. She remained relatively peaceful while living in Japan, and gravitated towards small villages in the countryside, especially ones with shrines nearby. Unfortunately, her parents eventually found her in the mid-1910s, and forced her back into service as their assassin. Despite this, Yoko continued to live in Japan, and even started passing herself off as a teenager anddoing...well, things that normal human teenagers do. She used what few godly powers she had to live her life to what she perceived to be "ideal".

In 1990, her parents discovered a cult in Okinawa that knew almost everything about the forgotten gods, which they feared would lead to their (and by extension, all of the other forgotten gods' and Yoko's) permanent demise. They ordered Yoko to kill the entire cult, not knowing that Yoko had developed romantic affections for one of the cult leader's daughters. Yoko didn't know that her best-friend-slash-secret-girlfriend was involved with the cult, and went forward with her parents orders. Upon realizing that she had to kill her best-friend-slash-secret-girlfriend, she offered her parents an ultimatum; let her best-friend-slash-secret-girlfriend live, and continue to have Yoko serve as their assassin, or have Yoko kill her best-friend-slash-secret-girlfriend and then commit suicide. Her parents chose the latter, to which Yoko obliged, snapping her own neck. What Yoko didn't realize is that in the seconds after she killed herself, her parents would ressurect her under the guise that Yoko's ultimatum didn't specify if her suicide attempt was going to be successful or not.

After this, Yoko fled to America out of shame and anger, changing her appearence to that of a 20-something year old, and enrolling in college in an attempt to hide from her parents one last time. In college, she dormed with a girl named Rachel. Oddly enough, "Rachel" was actually a 542 year old Kitsune who fled Japan in the 1950s, much to Yoko's weeaboo delight. Rachel wasn't too happy about Yoko's "weird" attitude about Japan, seeing as she fled the country out of disgust for the humans she had grown up around, but they still stuck together for some reason.

Yoko's parents never found her (or rather, haven't found her yet) in America, and in 2010, Rachel and Yoko moved into an apartment with a fully human roommate named Seul-ki Park, a Koren-American hairdresser from Portland.


Fun Facts:

  • Her true form is near incomprehensable to humans, so she normally takes on the appearence of a Japanese schoolgirl from the mid 1990s weairing seifuku around them. She's a flaming weeaboo and I hate her.
  • Yoko, despite arriving in Japan in the mid 1700s, never met Rachel until they entered college together in the 1990s.
  • I seriously considered making her Goddess name "Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch", after that one fucking Welsh town with the godawful name. I didn't do this because I realized I'd have to learn to pronounce that monstrosity.
  • Yoko was originally a Yandere Simulator OC, but I removed her from that verse after some of the lore released by YandereDev specifically contradicted her existence.
  • She hates the entire Megami Tensei franchise due to having "massive inaccuracies" with how they depict gods and mythical creatures. The depictions she has the biggest problems with are YHVH from the mainline SMT games, and Izanami from Persona 4. If I met my own OC irl she'd hate me. BRB having an existential crisis.