Dr Wingding "Discovery" Gaster



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Gender || Pronouns

M/a/skeleton || he/him


It is midnight. The day is over.

[LV] ??      [EXP] ??
[HP] 487/600
[ATK] 27   [DEF] 15

Designation: Discovery "Disco"
Height: 7'1" (216cm)
Age: 40 [27 at time of fall]
Codes: Morse, base64, hex, wingdings, flowers. Can read/understand most others.
Job: Royal Scientist messing about with a radio in the Void, degree in Physics Anomalies

Location: The Void, specifically at the foot of the abyss in the Waterfall junkyard. Contains many socks and pens. Lost Souls wander the landscape.

 [ * You are DOCTOR WINGDING GASTER. You are were the ROYAL SCIENTIST. Well, one of them, at least. You are were part of an elite team of scientists working on a continuous power source for the entire underground. There are were four Souls in laboratory storage.]

[ * Something went wrong. You no longer exist in the common sense of time and space. It hurts to be here, wherever that is, but you are TRYING TO GET BACK TO REALITY.]

[ * You have had have TWO OLDER BROTHERS. You worked with one of them on the CORE project, and you entertained the other’s fashion ideas. You love them very much, and miss them a lot. You’ve forgiven one, but haven’t quite forgiven yourself.]

Familial relations:

     Aster - mother. Job: Lieutenant in the Royal Guard.
     Gafata - father. Job: Ex-Royal Scientist. Florist, degree in botany.
     Sans Gaster- eldest brother. Job: Royal Scientist, degree in quantum physics. 18 years older.
     Papyrus Gaster - middle brother. Job: Royal Guard tryout, fashionista?. 10 years older.

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Wingding Gaster was the youngest child of Aster and Gafata, a skeleton couple living in the city of New Home. He had two older brothers, an eye for science, and a love of flowers. As he grew up, he was briefly allowed into the Royal Laboratories with his father and eldest brother and the desire to go there to work grew in his Soul. And so he did. He got himself a degree in Physics Anomalies, and got onto the CORE project team, alongside his brother.

The fourth child had fallen in Wingding's childhood, so Soul experimentation was well underway, and power enhancement procedures had a waiting list a mile long. He and his brother had the combined security clearance for the guards to not even give them a second glance. The experimental lab was set up with the BLUE soul, and while he had gently pressured his brother into this, neither one of them knew what they were doing.

The strength from the BLUE soul was nearly too much for his brother, overloading him and sending him into magic shock. Wingding could only heal so much, and his eldest brother was left with near-half blindness and an excess of power. He could only watch as his brother slowly learned the limits of his new grasp, but a great many things were flung accidentally as his BLUE magic reached out and grabbed things it wasn't aimed at.

Scientists, however, are trustworthy in a few solid aspects. The scientific method had been ingrained in W.D.Gaster since he was but a babybones, and he knew deep down in his marrow that he had to do it again. He had to document it. And so he asked his slender older brother, coaxed him with the sweet words of 'the good of all monsterkind' and 'fame, fortune, and family, everybody will be so proud of you for helping'.

Less of the BLUE soul, and an addition of the CYAN soul to temper it, and... it was still almost too much. His eldest brother had also noticed the middle's absence, and, correctly fearing the worst, had gone after them. Their brother was still in a fugue state when they dragged him out of the lab, but seemed okay once they got him home. Gaster left that evening, heading back to the lab to try and fix it back up, but his eldest brother caught him by teleporting in front of him on one of the catwalks.

There was an argument. Words were thrown, accusations leveled, defenses raised. His brother shouted at him, asking him why he'd done it to their brother when they'd both seen what had happened to him, and he threw his hands out of his pockets. The BLUE magic reached out and smacked Gaster right over the edge, right into the open mouth of the CORE. As he plummeted, he saw his brother reach out, felt the gentle but too-soft grasp of magic meant to stop his fall, but it was too late.

After Gaster landed in the Void, he sought out someplace with landmarks, and settled on the trash heap at the bottom of the dump waterfall in Waterfall, which he took to calling the Lost and Found. He dug himself out a few safehouses, avoiding the local fauna comprised entirely of Lost Souls as he did. He started to research them, bit by bit, figuring out what they could do, how to distract them, how to direct them, how to turn them...

He found a busted radio and got it working, and after some fidgeting and false starts, made a scant few friends with other denizens of the void. He even managed to make contact with his own timeline, confirmed with a letter to him that got 'lost', and fell right on his head. He resolved to call himself 'Discovery' (after his lab, a lost space shuttle) to differentiate himself from other void denizens.

At one point, he started feeling anxious and left his home, travelling to one of the first safehouses he'd dug out to recover some paperwork that'd been in his pocket when he fell into the Core. A single Lost Soul tracked him and trapped him there, drawn to his still-living Soul with the intent of eating it (or him, if it came to it) so as to be Saved.

Disco managed to escape for a brief while, but as he fled he experienced crippling headaches, giving the Lost Soul time to catch up. On the edge of the Lake of Lethe at the center of the Lost and Found, his timeline contact started texting him, distracting him for long enough for him to be siezed up from behind, nearly cracked in half, and lightened of his Soul. He became Lost, and when he woke, he ventured off to his ramshackle laboratory, leaving his phone on the lake's edge.

He found a Fallen Monster shortly thereafter, and proceeded to perform some testing he couldn't complete earlier: how to turn a Fallen monster into a Lost one. He ended up extracting and bottling their Soul, and sending them out of the lab.

Discovery acquires followers, assistants, like one finds a particularly interesting rock on the ground. He finds a Lost Soul, lures it back into his lab, and then brokenly Saves it, but in such a way to Save over their previous existence. None of his assistants used to be scientists. He has to renew the masking, replacement, and other subtle spells and enchantments often. Sometimes he laces a celebratory drink with a reenforcing yet forgetful spell, but he can only manage that when they make some advancement on the project they're all working on: a functioning teleportation system out of the Void, and back up to the Underground, or any timeline's Underground.

He isn't aware of any of his assistants becoming aware of their real pasts. He doesn't even know who they used to be. He just knows they are who he needs them to be now.
