Basic Info








Young adult


He loves to weave flowers into his own and others hair. He's still pretty young, you can see the spots in his fur. He's really trusting of most people, despite their appearance 

He's both bold enough to walk right up to a stranger and talk to them, even if he they're armed or seemingly dangerous 

He's very fast on foot however, and can flee if need be

His antlers can grow back if broken , but it takes a while. Their surface is velvety 

Bloom is bad at sensing people's intentions, but he's often  good at picking up emotional signals .

His favorite flowers are carnations 

He was kicked out of his herd for an incident a while back, where he brought someone dangerous to the heart of their camp without realizing it. The rules on that are pretty strict, and he's lucky he didn't know the individual was dangerous to their kind. If he did, or they though he did, the penalty would be death instead of banishment 

He took it hard at first, but came to like living in his own. He didn't have to worry about anyone else, or follow any rules 

He lets people that are curious touch his fur and antlers