


3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

code is old i havent edited it in years

His design has changed use this reference!

I won't add art if you do it of his old design

He's had a new ref for months and an image saying not to use old art for over 1



Name Sparrow
Age around 10-11
Gender male(he/him)
Enneagram 9w1, 946
Orientation Aromantic
Alignment Lawful good

uwu flower boy


  • flowers and nature generally
  • spring
  • his friends
  • having time alone


  • rainy/stormy/cold weather
  • any sort of conflict or drama
  • being treated like he can't take care of himself


Sparrow is a kind and timid young cat living in a small rural village. he's quiet and introverted and doesn't like to draw attention to himself, and is embarrassed/annoyed when others are more attention seeking (mainly Winter and Pine tbh) he's kinda awkward and nervous around strangers. Sparrow is very empathetic and has a big heart but is also emotional and sensitive, he can take things personally more than he should and struggle with being impersonal. although he is emotional he mostly he prefers to keep his feelings inside and isn't always good at or wanting to be expressing them, especially with feelings like anger or frustration. he's also pretty naïve, trusting and forgetful, and is also very forgiving of others. Sparrow always tries his best to be optimistic but often ends up overthinking things.he dislikes conflict and is easily overwhelmed by it, so he struggles with standing up for himself and being a pushover, especially when it comes to people he cares about


Sparrow was born on March 18th as the only child to a happy couple in a village at the end of a forst. Growing up, he got along well with the other young cats, especially Winter. But more recently he has felt himself growing apart from her due to her clinginess and his discomfort with an expectation that there relationship will become romantic. He wonders what things are like outside of his home and wishes he could have more freedom

Design notes

anthro only, colours don't have to be exact but please keep patterns the same, if drawing with other characters he's slightly shorter than river, the same height as winter, and taller than pine. associated with the colour green and pink dahlia flowers. I usually draw him naked lol and if you do don't draw any nasty parts, but he can also be drawn with a straw hat or a light yellow scarf with a fish pattern.



River  [ close friend ]

"We're good friends! I haven't known them too long, they just showed up in the forest one day, and they're a bit strange but we get along well! I feel like they respect me more than the others. They seem to know a lot about the world, even though they're only a year older than me..I wonder where they're from? I hope they're not planning on leaving here too!"


Winter  [ friends-mostly close]

"She was my best friend when I was younger! She's super kind and friendly and always wants to brighten everyone's day! I think we're still close, and I still care about her, but I wish she'd give me more space, and I don't like how the others talk about us... I wish things would go back to how they used to be with her. "


Pine  [ aquaitances ]

"He's um, really honest I suppose, and he can be fun for short periods of time.. But he gets kinda annoying after a while... well.. maybe more than "kinda", and I wish he was kinder. I suppose it's good for me to know someone so realistic and direct but still, he could chill with it a bit, and sometimes it feels like he's trying to upset me. "


Sage  [ acquaintances ]

"We're not close, but she's really sweet and smart! She works so hard, but I wish I could talk to her more. I think we would be really good friends if she wasn't so busy-but I admire her dedication to her training too!"

HTML by Eggy
