


3 years, 6 months ago


Pretty description will hopefully follow someday ///

He's a shapeshifter with 3 main forms
1. the humanoid bone wing form - main form, takes this one most of the time, when he's invisible to humans
2. black hound form (dog form is on seperate reference) which he takes whenever showing himself to humans
3. human form (second one on the ref with main form) he takes after meeting Victor and integrating into human society for the first time.

Calm, observing, indifferent, seems to not care about much at all, has a hard time to realize his or other people's feelings, often gives off a sort of eerie feel, sort of feels 'off' tho that gets better once he integrates into human society a bit.
He's sorta incompetent when it comes to most social situations, as he still thinks of himself as something different, which doesn't belong there + he's pretty much oblivious to most feelings directed at him, won't laugh about jokes, as he doesn't realize he was supposed to laugh etc.
(he's progressively improving tho)

He's a creature of the Maare (aka directly created by Davy jones) and found his way into the human world around the medieval times, where he spent his time wandering through the streets, watching people, while keeping himself hidden. He found his solace at graveyards next to churches, where he spent most of his time. He was unable to be seen by humans. However sometimes he felt like he had to show up for some reason, it may be a 6th sense of sorts. Usually the people who would see him then later were befallen by disaster or accident.
It's unclear whether his appearance causes the accidents or whether he just warns them. In any way a legend started to grow around him, which called him the Black hound Grimm, a bad omen appearing at churches from time to time.

This is how Grimm lived his life for the most part. He would sometimes follow specific people and watch them for a while. Tho he did not realize that these were feelings of admiration, love or sympathy. To him he was just interested.
However times did not stay like this. At some point another creature of the Maare, Titania made her way towards the Human world. She started spreading chaos, sending small fairies to give humans special strength, sending others, to make humans go mad and then let them fight against each other. And Grimm, who did not like her using this world he had spend so much time on as her plaything decided to stop her, before she would cause irrepareable damage. And thus he set foot into Japan where she was mainly active.

Within that country he met a boy called Victor - a foreign student who was currently studying in Japan. Victor had come in contact with a girl who was granted special powers by Titania. And Grimm decided to watch him. At this point not realizing why he felt that way. After all it would be far more beneficial to watch Ayame, the girl, instead. Or some of the other people who were granted powers. His goal was to find out more about Titania, right? Yet he stayed watching Victor.
Grimm saw how he got closer to Ayame and eventually started dating her. He felt bad about this and usually he would've left them at this point, going somewhere else. However as he had justified the reason he had to stay there to himself prior (to find out more about Titania) He couldn't just leave now.
One day Ayame came home injured. And Victor felt helpless, not knowing what to do in order to spare the fighting from her, to let her live a normal life with him. He was powerless himself. How could he help her in any way? This is where Grimm saw his chance. He offered Victor to use his powers. And from then on he became more than just an observer. He started to involve himself directly.

Victor and Grimm got to know each other over time. They worked well together. However Grimm felt bitter for some reason. He couldn't tell why. The one who made him realize that reason eventually was Victor, as he asked him a simple question: Hey... are you in love with me or something? - He hit the nail right on the head. Grimm denied of course, he didn't really want to admit the truth of this statement, neither to Victor nor to himself. Plus... he knew Victor was probably not into guys and more importantly, he was already taken. However, he was bound to Victor now with his abilities. It was a rather annoying situation.
To solve it Victor finally convinced him to take the form of a normal Human and attend school, get to know people, find friends, find people to bond with and so on. He'd be less focussed on Victor that way and maybe find a boyfriend too. Grimm was not convinced, it'd work, which is why it didn't really work for a while until... He got... basically an invitation to a date from Tsubaki, a guy from his class. And it was perfect. Everything worked surprisingly well. Sometimes you gotta have some luck.

Tsubaki then got dragged into some shit and so on, found out Grimms true identity, the fight against Titania, however it didn't really bother him all that much after he got the hang of it. So... sorta happy end. Probably some more Drama with Victor and whatever, for now that will do as description yay.