Emely Sullane



3 years, 6 months ago



NAME: “Emely Sullane”

AGE: Unknown

SEX: Female

D.O.B: Unknown





An illegal immigrant from the moon Hella. Upon “crash landing” on Ethania the illegal elf quickly changed her name to Emely Sullane, and forged her credentials. There are rumors that there is a gunslinger who has runes engraved on her guns, and when they surface, Emely quickly checks out of town.

Currently the gunslinger is living nomadically to keep people from catching on that she’s not exactly from here. Needless to say, sometimes she slips up when she is caught handling common technology and isn’t sure how to use it. Luckily, she’s a quick learner and is filling in those gaps, and becoming very familiar with the technology on Ethania. Is quite adape at slipping away from unsavory situations.


Emely is a person who has known hardships, and has refused to let them define her. Those who have had the privilege to have gotten to know her say she is sweet, kind and fair- though she certainly has trust issues. While she will do her best to help someone in need, she won’t let them close personally. If you manage to get her to open up, you should certainly consider yourself very important to the elf.

On the flip side, she is known for having a steely anger. While she isn’t quick to rage, if you push her buttons enough she’ll snap- and usually black out. There is a trauma that lies silently under the black out rage. Due to her being unable to control and predict this, she does her best to either avoid triggering situations… or completely shut down to handle them.


Born and raised on the magic imbued Moon, Emely had a rather… different upbringing than most on Ethania. The culture she thrived in focused on magic, and one’s place in the things of it. It was a very rustic and simple life in comparison to other parts of the moon. Though the people known to this walk in life were fabled for being extremely adept at manipulating the natural mana. This proved to be Emely’s undoing.

Like many other’s before her, she was trafficked into servitude in the homes of those higher in status- the select few who saw others as lesser beings. It was in such an environment that Emely endured abuse that fractured her psyche ever so slightly… and that’s when the black outs began. Slips of time began to disappear, usually with her “coming to” to find herself in trouble. Things really hit the fan the time she ‘came to’ in a dungeon- having been sentenced to execution for murder. Just as quickly as she came back, she lost herself once more, only to snap back from the impact as her spaceship- which she stole- crashed into Ethania. To this day, she’s not sure why she has these ‘black outs’, and she’s still unsure exactly what happened to her that caused her to flee to Ethania.


Talk about your character's personality here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis. Vivamus maximus pulvinar risus, non maximus enim accumsan sed.

Sed tempus arcu sit amet metus fringilla, ac sollicitudin lorem congue. Morbi egestas accumsan bibendum. Nunc dignissim, libero aliquam convallis dignissim, nibh purus ultrices tortor, eget consequat neque est a nisl. Vivamus blandit augue nulla, id vulputate orci varius quis. Duis malesuada sapien lacus, ac tincidunt sapien condimentum id. Sed lobortis arcu quis ex suscipit, eu varius neque sagittis. Maecenas facilisis dui et placerat ultricies. Morbi egestas venenatis lectus, a tincidunt arcu volutpat nec. Morbi ultricies scelerisque nulla dapibus consectetur. Sed aliquet risus iaculis, hendrerit neque eget, elementum nunc. Donec interdum tellus pulvinar tempor commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel mauris in leo convallis vehicula ut vitae dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse suscipit, nisi ac varius maximus, sem dui imperdiet urna, non volutpat erat nunc nec massa. Cras eu tempor sapien.



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.

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