


7 years, 26 days ago






Virean Prince


Smile - α波オルゴール

Relaxing Orgel
DoB May 25th
Sign Gemini
Pronouns He/him
S.O. Chryses

Height 5'10"
Build Lithe
Eyes Blue
Skin White
Hair Brown


The prince of a nation known as Virea. He has the ability to grow and regenerate plants! Plants also tend to be attracted to him. It isn't uncommon to see stalks of grass, flowers on the ground, or the leaves on trees bend towards him if he's walking past.


  • He has a hobby of collecting small, bizarre oddities that he finds at stalls in the marketplace and night market. Usually these are little things that have been enchanted by a warlock or witch, though on occasion Ossian's habit of competing in betting games has led to situations where he ends up bringing much larger objects back to the palace. A key example of this is his pet miniature pig, Circe, who he accidentally won off an enchanter.
  • Ossian has a bad habit of drinking. While it can certainly make him quarrelsome, he doesn't become violent. It isn't unusual to find him inside a tavern, boasting to whoever will listen about his own wild tales, though it isn't necessarily the greatest task for the guards who later on must heave a drunk Ossy back to the palace. It's certainly made way for some interesting situations, to say the least.
  • Ossian has a few of the same characteristics as a deer. Nimble on his feet, he has an incredible amount of stamina, thus making him excel when it comes to close combat. However, he also has an irrational fear of canines, something which he shares with cervidae as a programmed awareness to predatory animals.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Dom. hand Left
Attitude Neutral Good
Archetype Campaigner
Leading trait Lionhearted
Biggest flaw Gluttonous




Fresh flowers






His cape



Ossian is how any would expect a young monarch to behave: righteous and charismatic. It is for good reason, as with his father a sick, elderly king, it would only be best that he decide to lend a hand supervising the kingdom alongside his sister. While Ossian himself will most likely never become king, instead fixed with the rank of prince until he one day passes away, it doesn't mean he's left without any responsibility. Busying himself with the tasks of sorting knights, worrying about the economy, and the welfare of his own civilians, Ossian has quite the rambunctious schedule he sticks to. Unfortunately, this often leaves him without much time to do the things he enjoys.

Despite all this, Ossian is known for having a curious streak, one that he is often shamed for by his family yet encouraged and loved by the villagers. Usually found at night hanging around the marketplace, he spends it on petty betting games (though he usually never wins); or even simple things that he's curious to try, such as new, foreign fruits imported from different lands. At other times he can be found in one of the nearby taverns, and with alcohol in his system, it often makes him boastful. Small crowds will form around him as he sits upon the bar, speaking loudly of tales and the remarkable things he's witnessed. Perhaps not the wisest of actions to uphold the reputation he's built, but it seems many of the commoners get a kick out of it.


The prince stands at 5'10", excluding his antlers. His hair is a light brown, often associated with the colour of dark caramel. Soft and feathery, it reaches just past his ears with a slight wave to the fine tips of it, and is usually kept well-groomed and cleaned. During the winter months he outgrows it until he can braid it or pull his hair into a ponytail. He cuts it semi-short again at the beginning of spring.

His eyes are wide and large, light blue in shade, a colour similar to the sky overhead. Flecked with specks of darker blue hues, they would be quite intriguing to view up close.

His skin is fair and smooth, face dotted with a vast sea of freckles across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. Freckles can also be located upon his shoulders, hands, and back. The countless freckles he has are also a hint towards his title, the Fawn Prince, as they resemble the spots found on the backs of young deer.

Not much hair is located anywhere upon his body, except for the usual places, such as under his arms and around his pelvic region. His body build is somewhat muscled.

Ossian is most often found in his casual attire, which includes a simple white tunic, slim, black trousers, and tall, dark brown boots that stop just shy of his knees. From time to time he can be found wearing a brown cloak if he is off travelling or the weather deems it necessary. Usually he can be found wearing a golden pin with the kingdom's coat of arms on it, which are the same kind of flowers found on his crown.

His formal attire is more properly suited towards the kingdom's fashion. Wearing high-collared tunics and slim black trousers, it gives him an almost androgynous look. He has a pair of tall, polished black boots that are just shy of his knees, as well as an expensive furred cloak which he wears when meeting with the other kingdoms. His crown is a dainty, golden item with intricately carved flowers that bloom from it. They are crafted after the rare species of wildflower that are found within Virea that contain slight healing properties.



  • Alcohol
  • Gambling
  • Travelling
  • Sweets
  • Heat
  • Deep water
  • Canines
  • Winter
  • Cold weather
  • Elizabeth