


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Phoenix Quill


Phoenix, Fire Bird


Star-Lord (Jr)






Peter Quill (Father), Human(?) Mother




Part Human, Part Celestial


Recently Discovered... Certain ones from each Infinity Gem. Plus a few other creationist things.




Astra, Abbey


Most other people.


Phoenix lived on Earth until he was 8, that was when he first got to go to Space. And he enjoyed it up there, with the other Guardians. Though once he reached 16, he was taken back to Earth to finish two more years of education first, which he managed to do without failing somehow. And then, at 18, he got to go back into Space to actually do something interesting for his Birthday. That was when he got most of his gear from his father. Shortly after, he stole a Spaceship and and roamed Space stealing a bunch of stuff, including the Infinity Gem that was up there. And then he meets Abbey one day after landing on a planet and destroying a lab there.

He decides to help save the cat instead of letting her die, and was glad he did so because she has been a good friend to him. It was just those two for a while until they find Astra on a planet, wondering what happened in her life, and Abbey convinces Phoenix to let her join as well. Phoenix reluctantly agrees, because he doesn't usually let other people stick around with him for any reason. They now travel around Space, making amends, and the two females help Phoenix get used to being around other people again.

Phoenix has had something happen in his life that happened before meeting Astra where he had been attacked while on a Planet, and then he woke up not being sure where he was or what happened. And he found something he decided to keep. This included the necklace he currently wears, which has some sort of fragment in. He still doesn't know what it does exactly, but he knows it lets him do something with the Infinity Gems power (that he still has due to keeping it and not telling anybody else about it being there in his possession).

He potentially crashes on Earth at one point, with Abbey and Astra, making them be stranded there until Abbey can find a way to get their ship fixed so they can finally go back home to Space again.

He has been told a rough outline about what happened and what his heritage is, which includes what the non-human part of him is, and so he did research into what he could and spent many an hour working out what it meant for him and what he could do. He feels that his powers are stronger than they used to be now that he has the necklace (which he rarely ever wears unless not many people are around).