Lucas Sarkovsky



3 years, 3 months ago


  • Lucas Sarkovsky

  • Age 23
  • Gender Male (Cis)
  • Orientation Heterosexual/Bicurious
  • Race Human
  • World Cyberpunk
  • Alignment True Neutral

"What the fuck did I sign up for this time?"

Born at a time where people and technology have embraced in a dystopian, cyberpunk future, Lucas is a classic product of the setting. A hybrid of prosthetics, electronics, and flesh as well as a petty criminal, an artist, and an adrenaline junkie.

Lucas is a pragmatic guy, even if he wasn't always as such. Since he didn't invest in physical enhancements that would put him out of work and commission for weeks or months on end, he focused primarily on upgrading and fine-tuning his gear to manipulate other electronics. He has that 90's hacker vibe about him as well as the skills to put it down. He isn't confined to assuming control over cameras, turrets, robots, and computers, but capable of even hacking those who also carry anything with a computer in their body. He is highly intelligent and very technically savy, but he has all the muscle mass of a pirate succumbing to scruvy. In a scrap he'd be laid out in seconds, but if you have even one computer in your body, no matter how tiny, he can probably do a number on you by just pinging you in his sights. Fortunately he is not a homicidal maniac or even prone to violent acts. If he's hacking someone, he's doing so to incapacitate them or defend himself long enough to get a job done.

Upon first impression he might come off as shy or indifferent, even standoffish. Once you can get him talking though, and you build up a banter, he's actually a decently humored guy with a kind heart. It's a shame he tends to succumb to his addictions, which have changed over the years for the better (arguably). He used to be into uppers when he was a teenager, taking stronger drugs when the weaker ones just weren't cutting it anymore, up until his sister helped him overcome his stim addiction. He moved onto cigarettes, which he still chainsmokes to this day, but he's gotten far more engulfed in work and random gigs that he has become addicted to the focus or to the adrenaline they might provide. He convinces himself that he does what he does to support the girls - his mother and his sister - but he honestly finds the excitement and the threat of death to be more cathartic than stabilizing matters at home. Besdies, there's only so much he could do for them. Financially they are supported well enough by him and his sister's jobs, but neither of them are truly satisfied on financial stability alone.

Besides, Lucas loathes the big corporations, even though he has been working for a major one for the past four years. His goal is to eventually sustain himself through gigs alone, so he could junk his job at whatever Megacorp his ass works for (Arasaka if we're talking Cyberpunk 2077 specifically) and just be a mercenary. Self made. Meanwhile, he is never short on things to do, between work and more work. He's been neglecting his hobbies as of late, which once included music (he plays the bass as well as the guitar, but favors the bass), but you can still tell just by looking at him or his flat that he is obsessed with a particular band. Lucas used to even own the domain for Star Helix's website once upon a time until he handed over the reigns to another administrator, but he still has a poster of Helix herself on his wall signed by his truly. He's long given up on seeing her live again, but he'd drop everything he's doing to hit her up again if he only got the chance.


DoB: September 28th
Origin: United States/Night City
Height: 6'0"
Build: Extremely Thin, 190lbs
Demeanor: Composed, Casual
  • Your grandad's music
  • Driving/cruising
  • Deep dives into the Net
  • Forgetting to eat
  • His addictive personality
  • Being a corpo rat




(tw: suicide mention)


Lucas was born to a family that was beginning to form cracks around the edges long before he ever entered the world. His father, Han Sarkovsky, and his mother, Sandy Sarkovsky, had already been married for five years prior to his arrival. A year into their marriage, his older sister Layla was born. They grew up in the ever dying breed of upper-middle class society, barely holding on to the title as Han struggled in the dog-eat-dog world of corpo management. The stress of Han's job bled into the microcasm he created, which at first only manifested in an especially tired father trying to share what little free time he had with his family, his growing absence fuelling Sandy's slow spiral into alcoholism. When they were kids Layla and Lucas had school, they had their peers, and they had each other for the most part, even if their father was physically absent and their mother mentally so. Still, when they were children they spent some of the best years as a family together. Sandy might have a glass of wine too many on the weekdays and they might not see their father for longer swathes of time until the weekends, but at least they knew what it was like to share some positive memories and experiences when their parents were around. One had to bring up the magnifying glass to see the cracks.

It was around the time that Lucas had turned 10 and his sister 14 when the unthinkable happened. Han didn't leave a note, didn't share any final, touching moments with his children or his wife. When Sandy found him, she was unresponsive for weeks, the children left to fend for themselves during the lowest point of their lives. Sandy might have taken it the hardest, but Lucas and Layla were devastated in their own right, and it manifested differently over the course of the next several years. For Lucas, he felt nothing at first. He still expected, for at least two years, to wake up and find his father standing by his door to usher him out of bed for school. Every day was like a waking nightmare, but one he expected to eventually stir from. He carried on sad, but somewhat hopeful. He had to, because his mother wasn't doing anything at all and his sister was...not even home most of the time. Lucas started to do worse with school as he focused on making sure his mother functioned well enough to eat, or to get to sleep. He'd hide the liquor, trying to comfort her when she burst into fits, all the while waiting for his sister to come home. His sister, who in turn took care of them. He assumed she was using whatever insurance money must have come from their father's passing, but he had no idea what lengths Layla went through to take care of them, nor how their father's death transformed her.

By the time Lucas was 15, the hope was all but snuffed out and replaced by the recreational use of drugs. At first, he started small and didn't think he'd get into anything more serious, picked up smoking and experimented with a few prescription drugs. By the time he was 18 however, he either tried or was high on anything the city had to offer. It was in his teens that he got into the gig business, mainly engaged in petty crimes to facilitate his addictions, evaded arrest multiple times by basically pouring all of his smarts into augmenting his netrunning tech so he could use to it acquire more profit, and basically became a streetkid for all intents and purposes. This nearly came to an abrupt end however when after several nights of a raging high on stims, driving aimlessly around the city and screwing around every alley in town, he discovered that his sister was essentially working at the Clouds as a glorified prostitute. He found this out by going there with a group of 'friends' only to burst in on one of the bastards getting ridden by her. Needless to say, this ended in a disasterous fight that nearly got him killed, got his sister into a lot of heat, and could have gotten him incarcerated for a hefty chunk of time if Layla didn't practically exchange her freedom for his.


Since then, Lucas has slowly cleaned up. He still forgets to eat, and he still smokes like he's catching fire, but he's cut himself off the harder drugs and has tried to get back on his feet nice and steady. He continues to live in a modest flat with his mother and presumably with his sister, though she is home so rarely that Lucas has to pass by the Clouds just to make sure she's still alive. He started to work for the corps he despised, or more specifically, the one that he believes killed his father. He did this in part for the salary, but in his heart of hearts hopes that someday he could use his position to fuck them over someday. After all, now that he works in server maintenance and he's really, really good at it, he has more clearance than some of the corpo sharks that easily make ten times his pay.

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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
