Agni Kala



9 years, 5 days ago

Basic Info


Agni Kala








179 cm


Heterosexual biromantic










Grocery store employee, king of the Spicy Kingdom in another life

Significant other



 Hate me or love me, you can't deny that me being poweful and feared is the best choice here. 

A low-class boy who's neglected by his parents and doesn't really maintain any meaningful relationships, a boy who wants more. He was a king of a magical kingdom in another dimension in another life, and his other self has been trying to get to him for a while now.


He is 179 centimeters tall, with medium-long black hair and slightly tanned skin. He has red eyes and a profiled nose. He always has his hair tied up on a low ponytail. His fringe is swept to the side. He's physically fit but his best physical quality are his legs.

His past life's hair was so long it reached the floor but it was made of pepper, and it was red at the end. Other than being a king, this is the most prominent thing that sets apart both instances of Agni.


He's a conceited, sarcastic and cocky guy. He's sassy sometimes and doesn't think twice before talking a lot of the time. He's chill and doesn't like showing whenever he's upset.

While he's egotistical and generally mean, he does care about people around him- his friends and his family. He has a strong protective side, and will do a lot of things in order to protect them. He can be awkward at times but he's very charismatic no matter what his intentions are.

He's very energetic and brave, but his courage and sense of morality are much more closer to those of an average person than his past life's.

That said, he's not entirely free of evil.


Right now, he's very good at fighting and is in good shape, but nothing too superhuman.

His past life, however, received the "crown's power" when he was young, after his parents died. This means he was able to summon a hidden, dangerous power of the dragon that the kingdom originally had faith in centuries ago. He was able to gain a dragon's strength and speed, but didn't have a lot of control over it.

He was also into magic, though not a very good magician like other members of his (and the rival) kingdom. He had a few tricks under his sleeve.

Probably the only true genetic power he has is psychic abilities, from his mother's side. King!Agni didn't use them until recently, to make contact with Human!Agni, and Human!Agni seems to have those abilities too, just not unlocked yet. He's able to see glimpses of the future, and with practice, he'd have mild telekinesis and telepathy.


He was born to a king and a psychic, in a kingdom with lots of troubles with the neighbors, to put it like that. He was trained to become a strong king, but was still able to live his childhood.

Unfortunately, his parents died in a terrorist attack, leaving him alone. Since he automatically became the king, all the power of the crown went to him. That's when he found out there was a great source of power, fueled by the spirit of a dragon, that kept the kingdom alive.

He was 14 years old at that time, and didn't want to assume such a responsibility. He was forced to, and not too long after, called out on his age. Some groups of the nobility thought he was too young and too clueless to be the king, and then disrespected his parents.

That made Agni snap, and unintentionally summon the powers of the crown, massacring the entire room. This was a very traumatic event, but he stood his ground after that, being feared and respected for what he did.

He grew up, still having issues with the neighbor kingdoms, and he became an evil but charismatic person. In the way, he met Kujaku. A criminal who fortunately was against the same kind of people Agni was against, so they teamed up.

While they were two very evil forces, they soon bonded a lot, and then fell in love.

They were still evil, but some other stuff happened- And everyone was threatened with it. Threatened enough that they slowly died out one by one, and the ones who didn't die, wandered off to a different physical realm.

The threat didn't stop there, and the spirits of the people who survived found their way into a new world.

And that ends in a modern mundane human world, with a human Agni who doesn't know anything about that story.

At his 19 years of age, starts being contacted by his own mirror image. The messages aren't clear, but he's told to find one girl that's apparently his wife in another life. Since he's pretty convinced and motivated by this fact, he looks for this girl, and tries to build a relationship with her upon the facts that he already knows.


  • He won't sneeze if you throw pepper at him.
  • Dislikes sweets and hates dark chocolate a lot especially.
  • One of the only sweet things he tolerates is Dr. Pepper.
  • Likes fish. His past self used to eat raw fish.
  • His past self's weakness was water. Current Agni dislikes open sea and deep water spaces, also dislikes taking baths.
  • Has a lot of acquantainces but not really... Close friends... He claims he has a lot of friends though! But actually, he's very lonely.
  • His past life has killed so many people he's not phased by it anymore, even if he doesn't kill without a reason. This Agni, however, would only kill someone if absolutely necessary and would feel sort of guilty afterwards.