


3 years, 3 months ago



"Hello!! Do you want to play with me?"

Name Kimberly Mackenzie Bradshaw
Called Kimi
Gender Female
Age 12
Root Golden Retriever
House Jade Orchids
Handler Black Angel (Vanessa)
Type Fire
Number 121
Rank 1
Familiar ???


Forgetful . Naive . Affectionate . Forgiving . Resilient . Possessive . Perfectionist

At the first meeting, Kimberly is a very cute and lovable pup. She will greet you with a smile and a tail wag. She is very affectionate and will love you to no end especially if you dote on her like the little princess that she is. The pup can be forgetful at times which doesn’t help with her naive nature. Play your cards right and you can bend her actions in your favor, but make a slip and you will feel the wrath.

While she is very affectionate, do something she doesn’t like… well…. you better watch your back, especially if it has to do something she deems is “hers”. After how things spiraled with her family, Kimberly had started to become more protective over things she felt were hers. She wants nothing but for things to be perfect just like the fairy tale of a life she once had. And when things get thrown for a loop, Kimberly gets unhinged. This pup is known to be quite resilient and if you don’t watch your step, she will hate you with her entire soul.Make the wrong move and she will give you nothing but hell. Give her a treat and she will love you with her entire being. Can you handle this hot and cold pup?


  • Apples
  • Dressing Up
  • Knives
  • Any Ball Sport (Soccer is #1)
  • Swimming


  • Drunks
  • Defiance
  • Chocolate
  • Being Alone
  • Dirt, Dirty People, Gross things


160 cm (5'3")
Golden Blonde
Long, Wavy


  • Always loves to accessorize
  • Adores cute hates
  • If she has to put her hair up it's usually in pigtails



Golden Retriever, how could you now fall in love with that? Long flowing locks and the puppy dog charm, it was love at first sight for this lost human. First comes love, then comes marriage, and guess who’s in that baby carriage, a little Kimberly.

Growing up, Kimberly had the perfect life. Loving parents who gave her everything she needed, a gorgeous home with lots of space to roam, she even had the best younger siblings she could ever ask for. Every day was filled with love and joy, it was as if she was some princess in a fairy tale story. But of course, as every fairy tale goes, not everything is sunshine and rainbows.

Now every now and then her father would drink, it was normal, adults do that. But there was one night that stood out more than the others. Coming home from work, already drunk off his ass, Kimberly’s father was frantic as he searched the home.

“Duncan… Where is my son?”

His drunkenness already shocking enough, the small pup was thrown for a loop when an unknown name was coming out of his mouth. Son? But…

“Papa do you mean James? He’s asleep in the room with Ma—”

“Where is Duncan!?”

Never had he ever raised his voice to her like this. She was the perfect child, why was he yelling at her? The sounds of a small child crying could be heard from another room and not long after, her mother Sara who had been trying to get her younger sister Bella to bed stormed out to confront her drunkard husband.

“Duncan? Who is Duncan?!”

There was a moment of silence as things clicked. Then began the fighting and the end of her happily ever after.

From then on nothing was the same. All the warmth and love was gone and replaced by constant fighting and heavy drinking. Kimberly was not used to any sort of hostile environment and was thrown into this mental turmoil for months. The perfect family illusion was now shattered and she could do nothing else but obsess over this long-lost older brother she had. He was the cause of this, he was the source of the problem. He was what needed to be fixed.

And fixed it shall be. Packing her bag and sneaking out for the first time, the little golden was off to find her brother. For someone who was spoiled her whole life, oh boy was it a long journey. When it seemed like she could go on no longer, she was saved by an angel in black.

“Hi Sweetie! Where are you going? Need a lift~”

Without a second that she was in the car spewing her whole life’s story to this woman she had just met. She was very understanding and even knew exactly where her brother was. How lucky! Now starting the next chapter in her fairy tale, Kimberly was out for vengeance.


  • Ability: Super Sniffer - Has heightened tracking skills
  • Fluent in English and Mandarin
  • Has an English accent
  • She has two younger siblings, James Jr. also known as Jimmy ( age 8) and Bella (age 6)




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