


6 years, 11 months ago



Name Keto
Designer Sixbane
Gender Male
ObtainedSelf created
Significant Other None
Rules None
Species Songrem

RoleSpace station pet


  • his spotting markings dont need to be exact
  • He's a little bigger than a cat

Keto is essentially a hyperactive ball of energy who only sits still long enough to stare into literal space for hours on end fascinated by the sheer emptiness of it all. He's excitable, optimistic, and not particularly smart. Ignorance is bliss is his motto and he's definitely pretty blissful. He seems oblivious to most problems in the least- on the surface. He's in fact quite smart and resourceful when he needs to be or has to be. 

As a young Songrem he was abandoned by his family and learned quickly in the world...his place was making others happy- if he made friends, he had food and a place to stay. He never expected to end up on a space station but he wasn't complaining. He's actually quite thoughtful and inventive when confronted with a reason to let his oblivious mask fall. He seems able to shine with moments of extreme intelligence, rarely.

That's not to say hes a super genius, but he can probably hotwire a car for you. Weird little fuzzball.


  • Knocks stuff off the shelves like a jerk cat
  • Been electrocuted more times than he knows how to count. Brags about that too.
  • Will stare at you with big eyes while you eat until you give to him
  • "Go Go power rangers"
  • He couldn't have a window near his bed, if he did then he'd stay up all night staring into space and weirding everyone out. If you talk to him while he does that he'll turn eerily towards you with the 500 yard stare. Creepy.
  • But he'll snap out of it if his view of space is interrupted or he's picked up or something.

Keto is a pet, that is- a pet on a spaceship orbiting earth. He's a little fuzzball with a big ego, and tremendously full of himself. He was adopted to help boost the crews morale after spending ages aboard a space station, and he does that quite well! He's silly, outgoing, expressive, and often making other members of the crew laugh with his nonsense antics. He spends most of his day wandering the ship aimlessly, getting into anything his little nose can get into, and spends an (embarrassing) amount of time staring out the window with big eyes at SPAAAAAACE because all the planets and stars are so fascinating... No matter how many times he's seen it its still the coolest!

He doesn't go back to the surface often but when he does you can bet he's bragging endlessly about all of his exploits in space and making sure to note how great it is up there. However, one thing he seems a little less proud of is elaborating on his unusual eye... that he never has seemed keen to share. It wasn't always that way and is the result of an accident.

He's a loveable ball of energy with a (slightly) obnoxious ego, but hey- everyone's got their flaws.


  • Electronics
  • Himself
  • Being nosy

  • Locked doors
  • Having his tail pulled 
  • Being stepped on
  • Being on the ground

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.