



Name: Flutter (real name unknown)

Series: Animals

Age: 35,040 (35,033 in the first story arc and 35,040 in the last)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Rainbow Butterfly (formerly Nymphian)

Favorite Food: Radishes

Element: Light (formerly Water)

Powers: Changes color based on mood (red = angry, pink = flustered, etc), light spell, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "You twit..."

Likes: Science (particularly terraforming), sharing his knowledge, salads, reading, honey, Nemphis, and discovering new things.

Dislikes: Being a butterfly, repeating himself, misinformation, birds, Glades, spicy foods, and being asked about his age.

Personality: Flutter is very stuck-up and condescending for someone in his current predicament, but in reality he's still very hurt and bitter over being betrayed by his colleagues, transformed into a Rainbow Butterfly, and dumped onto another planet. He's very distrustful of other because of this, and initially wants nothing to do with the locals of the planet. However, when Flutter re-encounters some old friends he gets a spark of hope that things could be set right, and he begins to share his knowledge with the other characters. After this, he slowly lightens up, but maintains the sense of superiority he feels he has over others. He's known to get a bit impatient when explaining things and is quite proud of his knowledge.

Home: Nymphia (formerly), Animal Planet (currently)

History: Flutter grew up on Nymphia and took an in science at a young age. He went to school to study science, specifically evolution and terraforming, and was briefly classmates with Glades. Eventually his efforts paid off and he was appointed to Nymphia's team of terraformers, a group that decides what uninhabitable planets in the galaxy would be most suitable for life. This is where his luck ran out, as Flutter found himself assigned to a rather boring and insignificant planet in space that could never possibly hold life on it. Due to the threat of losing his job, Flutter felt pressured to complete the job and successfully terraformed the insignificant planet, where he then learned that not only did a magical species already live on the previously barren planet, but it also had an abundance of Ameritis Crystals on it. Thinking the information would get him promoted, Flutter happily reported it, only to find himself betrayed by his colleagues and turned into a Rainbow Butterfly (one of the first creatures from his now-habitable planet) and then banished him to the planet. And since when did his former classmate become a government official? But the real awful part is that his name isn't even Flutter, but that's all anyone calls him now.

Flutter eventually is found by Sketches and Lightning, but initially refuses to help them due to still being bitter over his co-workers betrayal. However, he begins to cooperate more once he learns Shine and Luna are with them, and fully cooperates once Princess Latin is saved during the second arc.

Current-Bio: Flutter currently lives on Animal Planet, but spends much of his time in the Star Kingdom once Latin is saved. His knowledge of the Nymphian Empire and Glades is key for the main characters to restore order to the galaxy. Despite that, Flutter is quick to remind the others that he wants to return to his actual body more than anything.

Meta-History: Flutter was created sometime alongside the Star Beings, but I don't have an absolute date for that. While his role as "Mr. Exposition" for anything space related (particularly for the Nymphian Empire) has remained the same over the years, a few things have changed over the years. Originally he was just the butterfly and not someone stuck as a butterfly. He's also flipped back and forth from being an A.I. program to being a living creature. Eventually I decided it would make more sense for him to be a Nymphian due to his knowledge of their society, but he remains in butterfly form for the story.

I also need to note that his age might not be listed correctly here...it's complicated. Due to his role in terraforming planets, it's likely he's much older than that. To be fair, terraforming does speed up the growth of life on planets, and the planet he terraformed wasn't as lifeless as he initially thought (it had life on it, it was just declining) so it's hard for me to say. |D Nymphians are a very advanced race and have essentially made themselves immortal due to their extremely advanced science and medicine, so that doesn't help either.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Flutter initially wants nothing to do with Sketches, but later realizes that Sketches could help him out. He's quick to share knowledge with Sketches.

Lightning: Flutter and Lightning clash a lot. Flutter sees Lightning as lazy and unintelligent.

Shine: Flutter wishes that the star prince would take things more seriously, and tries his best to advise him.

Luna: Flutter is friends with Luna due to them both sharing a dislike for the current Nymphian Empire.

Latin: Flutter has known Latin for a long time (long before he got turned into a butterfly) and trusts her greatly.

Shadow-cat: Flutter dislikes Shadow-cat due to him working with Glades.

Glades: In the past, Flutter and Glades were classmates and both studied science. While Flutter originally got along with his classmate, she eventually betrayed him and is the one responsible for him currently being a butterfly. Part of Flutter wants to reason with her, while the other part of him wants revenge.

Nemphis: Flutter holds a great deal of respect for his leader and worries what has happened to him with Glades in charge.

Nemmy: Flutter is protective of Nemmy and hopes that he'll be able to lead their empire one day.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!