Tiny ToS updates

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Pepperly

I'm working on my website again, where I'll be hosting up my ToS proper, and I just want to announce a couple updates:

Two are pretty obvious:

+ The Client shall not create Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) or sell any part of the Work using blockchain without the prior written consent of Author.
+ The Client shall not submit the Artwork to any AI databases without the prior written consent of Author.

I'm not a fan of AI or NFTs for the most part and I don't want my art added to the databases if I can help it.

The second one is an ease-up on my ToS:

The Client may not profit from the artwork. Physical original paintings and drawings may be resold for original price minus wear and tear. Digital resales may not be higher than 75% of the original price paid, and the new Owner must be linked back to to the ToS when transferring images. Images must continue to be credited to the Artist in every case. The Client may not resell the rights to the image.

Will be trimmed to:

The Client may not profit from the artwork. Physical original paintings and drawings may be resold for original price minus wear and tear. Digital resales may not be higher than the original price paid, and the new Owner must be linked back to to the ToS when transferring images. Images must continue to be credited to the Artist in every case. The Client may not resell the rights to the image.

So, yeah, you can do full value rather than 75%; I don't care, and probably haven't for years. I don't remember who gave me this advice but I know it's not really part of the culture anymore. I honestly wouldn't have taken a figurative metal bat to anyone over it, anyway. Might as well make it official. Just don't flip a profit off my stuff (I barely do it myself /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\), and we're peachy.

It'll probably be a while before it's live but I'd like to announce it now because I won't remember when I finally upload all my pages lmaoooo.

Thanks for readin', hope you find some money you misplaced!


Hope you do too! Thanks for this.