
Posted 5 months, 10 days ago by coffeebean

Interest Gauge

7 Votes Yes
0 Votes Not Right Now

I'm 90% done with my queue at the moment and thinking it might be nice to open up a few slots?  I'd like to get a broader range of samples for my minis since a majority of them are succubuns at the moment xD
Pricewise I'm thinking $10 for base price (first 2 samples) and $7 for simple characters (last 2 samples) but its still up in the air at the moment.
If you'd be open to grabbing something like these though do let me know via the poll or comments and I'll post a proper commission bulletin down the line if there's enough interest!



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Omg that's such an honor coming from you ;0;
Right now I'm trying to get my current queue cleared by New Year's, but after that I'm hoping to open up a few slots again!  I can definitely give you a ping when I open up if you'd like

you wouldn't happen to have a ping list for your commissions  would you?

I did in the past but I've never had a TH specific one!  I might grt that rolling when I put an actual coms post up haha

I’m always interested but always miss em cuz idk where it’s been posted now a days

I've been on something of a hiatus the last few months and haven't really been advertising anywhere outside of species discords lately x)  But I'll probably end up going through and making a post here once I'm done with my queue!