When a job is easy…

Posted 2 months, 3 days ago by Topolis

…but the people you work with are making things 1000x more difficult and stressful than it needs to be! I’m going through it at my day job lately, what the hell!? Stomach troubles as a result of the anxiety are never fun. I’m sure a lot of you guys can relate though. Sometimes oatmeal dinner is the only way to get through it. Safe to say it’s impacted my productivity, but I’m still plugging along. I may be slowed but stopped? Nah.

Been thinking about family and connections lately. Hope ya’ll have been well. Keep fighting for each other, okay? <3


OH BOY, DON'T I FEEL THAT. It's super frustrating, because it doesn't have to be hard, but some people just, ugh. I hope it lightens up for you though! Defintiely remember to take breaks and do something you enjoy! Sending you all them good vibes and fingers crossed that work eases up on you. 🤞

RIGHT? Like this is the easiest shit ever! Why make it hard? These guys are so embarrassing. I just focus on doing my job and coming home so I can draw. Sometimes, it’s good to disassociate…. xD Sending you good vibes as well!

ugh this but housemates 😢😢 it's so nice here but lately I can't enjoy simple things at home. This makes me think about my family a lot too since we live apart from each other. I hope things get better for you!! 🙏🙏🙏

Oh my gosh housemate problems are even worse... I'm so sorry you're going through that! I hope things change for the better soon. I also moved far away from family, but I will see them in the summer. We just gotta keep smiling and pushing through it! 😤