TH Meme

Posted 2 years, 20 days ago by Crystal-gryphon

Man I haven't done one of these in a while! Yoinked from ducclord

linking ocs: Usually only for friends or long term RP partners

dms: Feel free! Trade offers, character questions, anything is cool with me! I'm just usually not super chatty, sorry :'D

voice chat/call with me: Usually only with friends

see pics of me: Close friends only

art inspiration: Yeah that's totally fine! Just as long as it isn't outright copying.

design inspiration: Same as above

co-owns: I've tried it and it just isn't for me, sorry!

asking 4 pings: Yes!

asking to offer: As long as they have the accepting offers tag on them

putting my ocs in dreamie folders: 100% ok!! I can't promise i'll accept trade offers, but having them in a dreamie folder anyway is cool w/ me

is fanart/gifts okay?: I will cry omg. I'd love any fanart/gifts!! Just make sure to check in with me first if it's anything nsfw or gory

are headcanons okay?: Yeah!! Have fun with them

is shipping okay?: Yeah, i'm chill with it! Just mind my fanart/gift requirements

is kinning okay?: Ahh no ty, sorry 

is fanfiction/writing okay?: You can ask, but usually i'd prefer not unless the OC's lore is well established publicly

is using your characters as icons and such okay?: No thank you, i'm not really comfy with that

can people draw their characters with yours?: Yes!! Go wild!


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