I've already seen 

Bfdi, ii, tnm, aib, burner, orb, tdos, hjfone, v&v, burger brawl, obs, battle for grandma, battle for circle, love of the s*n, ab, orb, modern objects, and I started OTA.

I also am planning on watching OSO, Showvember, Object Legends, and Anosimbib.

I need more for my to watchlist


its time for the and tpos are great object shows !! i haven't watched thanos yet but my friends say how good it is as well :33




PB and GB:

My all-time favorite object show! /SRS

The characters are all absolutely amazing and so fun! The art style is pleasant, the plot is light-hearted and fun and it's a non-competitive object show! The show is about the 2 main characters PaintBrush and Gumyum Berry getting up to wacky hijinks with the other characters in the show as well as their experiences as Trans Women! The Creator is also very inclusive of all sexualities!

Broadcast Objective:

A very bittersweet Competitive Object Show with a lot of very interesting plots and storylines! As well as a lot of fun characters! The art and animation is nice, I absolutely adore both the hosts and most of the characters! It's also very LGBTQ+ ^^


Not a show but a comic! Objectified is also non-competitive but has a lot of horror elements! Specifically psychological horror and body horror! It's about a bunch of Objects, each with a different goal in mind during a zombie outbreak. A lot of characters with different personalities, goals, morals and overall it's really fun! Personally my favorite it Citrus:]<

Object Redundancy:


OR has a really bad wrap due to its humor but personally I disagree! It IS an adult object show though! Similar to South Park in terms of offensive and crude humor so if that sets you off than you're welcome to ignore this one. OR is an older object show with a wide variety of characters! It only has 2 episodes unfortunately but imo making fanfics or headcanons about what happens next is really fun! It was planned to be an adventurous show! Of course it had really offensive and dark humor. A few of the jokes simply weren't funny but a lot of them got a chuckle out of me! Even though quite a few of them (As an autistic queer person) were directed at me! It's hard to find but I'd recommend giving it a shot!


Honestly surprised you didn't have this one on your list! PPT2 (Paper Puppets Take 2) is a competitive object show with a more mature theme. It isn't necessary an adult object show but a lot of the references such as Paranoia and abuse were definitely meant for an older audience. The characters are all super fun! Even the ones I'd bash over the head with a hammer and the host and co-hosts are all very complex in the best possible way! The art style after the first few episodes is incredibly satisfying as well! 


excellent entities is pretty good! well the third season that is the first 2 are kinda painful to watch but dw they have queer rep ((:



Cool Object show, pretty unique for the style, but it is on Russian, watched using subtitles :)


ok i just checked this thread thanks for the recommendations! they sound great and ill check them all out